Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

welp thats a no, deadline was yesterday. waiters confirmed too stupid to vote.

Today’s one is Bernie isn’t Jewish enough.
The way Warren handled this in particular is what soured me on her. Sticking with “yes, this is my family’s oral history” was fine. Releasing the dna test was horribad. Should have learned from Obama’s birth certificate that no answer will end it.

Seriously this. And they are incredibly smug about the fact that of COURSE she didn’t do anything wrong, you fucking republican hack.

Like this conversation wouldn’t be happening if team Warren would admit that it was a stupid, insensitive, insulting thing to do.


This year I requested the right ballot on time and voted by mail. In 2016 I drove to a county office in Norwalk to vote. It might be possible to get a provisional ballot anywhere.

lol. This would absolutely not go away if she did that.

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I’m talking about you, Trolly. Not the campaign. Like, actually specifically you and the olink person who I don’t recognize.


Yeah, from the article it seems like if they’re willing to vote in person they can still vote in the Dem primary.

Didn’t realize there were Natives ITT

Wait I can’t just use the local one?

El Retiro Park
126 Vista Del Parque, Redondo Beach CA 90277
Hours: February 22 - March 2: 8AM - 5PM
March 3: 7AM - 8PM
Additional Info: Activity Room

SIOUX CITY, Iowa — Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, speaking at a presidential forum on Native American issues on Monday, offered a direct, public apology for the “harm” she caused with her past claims of Native American ancestry and pledged to uplift Native people as president.

“Like anyone who’s being honest with themselves, I know that I have made mistakes,” said Ms. Warren, who was met with a standing ovation when she took the stage. “I am sorry for harm I have caused. I have listened and I have learned a lot, and I am grateful for the many conversations that we’ve had together.”

And right-wing trolls stopped pestering her about it ever since.

Crazy that those right wing Native American trolls are still on it. The temerity

lol driving to Norwalk to vote, now that is a committed voter. one time i had to drive to an elementary school in the suburbs to vote.

yeah i called the registrar of voters and as long as they show up to their polling place on election day they can get the right ballot, but they just can’t do anything to vote by mail.

The issue isn’t so much right wing morons harping on absolute nonsense, its legitimate, so-called mainstream media outlets taking the BS seriously. Which is, as I’ll keep repeating because its true, less because of bias than pure laziness. These are some of the most entitled people on earth.



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A recent survey released Wednesday shows that President Trump would defeat Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) by seven points in a general election should the election take place today.

In a Rasmussen Reports survey released Wednesday, Sanders trailed Trump 50 percent to 43 percent in a hypothetical general election matchup, with 7 percent of voters remaining undecided.

According to Five Thirty Eight pollster ratings, Rasmussen as a mean-reverted Republican bias of 1.5 points.


Twenty-two percent of registered Democrats in the poll said that they would support Trump for reelection in the poll, while the president also led Sanders among independent voters.

Sanders wins six in ten black voters in the poll, but trails Trump among white voters, other minority groups and male voters according to Rasmussen’s press release.

Other national polls have shown Sanders leading Trump, along with other leading Democratic candidates including former Vice President Joe Biden (D) and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, all three of whom held similar single-digit leads over the president in hypothetical matchups polled by Reuters/Ipsos this week.

The Rasmussen survey contacted 1,000 likely voters between Feb. 24-25 with a margin of error of 3 percentage points.

Isn’t Rasmussen the poll that’s systematically biased towards Trump? In any case, it’s not good

Fuck off


It has 40% of black people voting for Trump. That tells you everything you need to know about it’s accuracy.


They may need to bring their unfilled mail-in ballot with them to the polling location to run in. Better to have it and not need it then show up without it and be denied.

(I’m not sure on this, but vaguely recall that being a thing)


Thank you. If you don’t bring your mail in ballot they give you a provisional one. Yeah no fucking around this year people. Get everyone you know to vote any way you can. I am mad at myself for not having them check this stuff months ago. My mail in ballot was accepted on Feb 10th that’s how early I got everything in.


Yeah there is a lot of dumb things going on this year in ca. In some cities old polling stations no longer exist. Now it’s a few really big places that are open for 5 days. And people vote on basically little iPads. Since there are so many candidates some are on the 2nd page, including Bernie. You have to click some weird non obvious button to even see the next page.

Heard about all this shit on npr