Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

With all due respect, please go away.

Right wing media may have brought the issues to light, but the Native activists sure seem to not like it. I’m going to defer to listening to them.

Trolly, name another politician with this problem.

No one in this country with a speck of power gives a single shit about how we treated Native Americans. Even the ‘reparations’ we try to give them are stolen by white people claiming Native identity. Self identified liberals and democrats should do better than this.

Bernie went to Standing Rock. Warren didn’t.

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You are right. People have wildly different reasons for preferring candidates and we’ve seen that in 2nd choice polling. And a lot of people are wrong about stuff. They may well think Biden is progressive. Maybe they are under the impression that Bernie is pro-gun and they have guns (lots of Democrats do). It’s just not even close to true to say that most people order candidates correctly on that kind of scale and line their preference up that way.

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Warren isn’t going to get the nom. Or if she does it’ll be by some epic ratfucking at the convention in which case it’s game over for the democratic party and her terrible crime of thinking she was a tribal cheifs great great great … great granddaughter or whatever will pale into insignificance. Time to move on.

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Sure,we can do better. Playing along with right wind identity poliicng is the opposite of doing better.

Don’t really care what her specific equity is right now, this thing is a total travesty. It’s still a story because 200 NA people signed a letter that hit the news today.

It’s not cool to do what she did. It’s weird. It plays into the same shit that causes 800 million dollars to go to white people instead of Native Americans. Ignoring that sucks.

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lol, you guys have absolutely nothing whatsoever on Warren but this dumbfuck Pocahontas routine that was played out in 2012. I’m old enough to remember when ikes predicted it would end her Senate career (spoiler: it didn’t).

By god, Warren would absolutely crush it in the general election. The best anyone can do is yell “Pocahontas” over and over.

It says a lot about the post-policy nature of politics that her years of liberal politics matter less to these people than her allegedly being a race traitor.


People ITT do not agree that what she did was wrong, have you been reading?

Trolly said “Jillions” of people heard a story about their ancestry
Well how many national politicians have her specific problem of claiming it on forms, looks like zero. Seems like a her problem

Olink said literally no one gets a benefit from being a minority in this country
Well, white people have stolen at least 800 million dollars earmarked for NA

ViridianDreams, Simplicitus, they slunk out of this thread when they were questioned whether it was “weird”


These things are not inconsistent ducy

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“the NA thing is not highly weird”

it’s weird. it’s really weird.

“the notion that anybody benefits from being in a racial minority is pure right wing derp”

the context is , can someone who is white use an appropriated identity for profit. yes. they really can. 800 million dollars is a good example. articles written about how you’re the first POC professor, they can help you.

Unrelated to NA issues but definitely related to being a total snake, Elizabeth Warren is using a SuperPAC now. It’s not like she was completely off the Big Money since she rolled over Raytheon loot from her Senate campaign, but she sure seems like she’s a liar.

The '60s political revolution failed so turds like Pete dismiss it as dumb hippies believing a bunch of woo woo.

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I mean what Warren did can both be wrong/problematic and a nothingburger and I think that is the correct viewpoint at this point especially with her campaign on fumes.

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In hindsight not only did it fail, it also left fertile ground for the new right to take over and point their finger at.

Spot on. The Bernie - Castro stuff is exactly this.

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Ugh my roomate is trying to fill out her mail in ballot for CA and realized she (and her boyfriend) registered as nonpartisan so it doesn’t have the presidential primary on her ballot. Hopefully they can get this fixed in time? I’ll fucking drive their ass to the registrar of voters if I have to lol. I googled the info and printed it out for them as they were explaining it to me.

A couple of OK natives explained to you earlier how it’s not wierd at all. Review maybe or keep insisting everybody with firsthand life experience of this knows less than you.

And no, the context is another in a long line of right wing racist and misogynist attacks. That some NA activists have piled on is sad but whatever, its fruit of the poisoned tree. If this started with them I might view it more like you but it didn’t, it came from the right wing fever swamps, and is no less racist bullshit than it was before NA activists wrote a letter or whatever.

No, 40 years of Goldman-Sachs liberals did that.

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