Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

That’s fair, Biden’s overall lead on 538 is a lot bigger than his lead in recent individual polls so it’ll be a lot more like NH than NV.

Bernie should’ve pulled a Trump at the debate last night. Also watching this it’s amazing how much he’s deteriorated over the last few years but you can definitely see why the republicans came out to vote for him

Or shes just closer to him ideologically and he’ll enact more of her agenda than any of the others.

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Gonna be funny when the DNC pushes Amy and Pete to drop out to consolidate support around Biden and half their supporters go to Warren. That’s the value of having Warren stay in this race.


Bernie will probably pick Warren for VP

I’m not sure if anyone in this race is a bigger fraud than Andrew Yang

The second his campaign goes down he takes the paid CNN gig so he can get paid to be the same shit centrist commentator and starts tweeting his vapid political takes.

He’s not going to endorse anyone now, lol at him ever endorsing Bernie after he takes a CNN gig. One idea techbro is cashing in now. And his supporters are LOVING it. Total rubes

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Bernie gonna win SC :shushing_face:


The letter cites a Los Angeles Times investigation that found more than $800 million in government contracts reserved for minorities instead went to companies set up by members of groups with dubious claims to being Cherokee and Creek Indian tribes.

A person ITT was arguing that there was no way for a white person to get an advantage in any spot by claiming Native heritage…


What was said is that there is no way for a white person to benefit from registering their bar license as NA.


Chait warming up his “Anyone but Bernie” set

This is definitely a principle. If you truly, deeply object to the idea of billionaires exerting disproportionate influence over political campaigns to the point that you’d rather lose than let one of them help you, then Sanders deserves credit for ideological consistency. But Democrats should consider the possibility that Sanders is not merely pretending to be a fanatic. He may be prepared to follow his convictions to their logical conclusion, at whatever cost. And the message to Democratic voters is, if you want your nominee to have the tailwind of Bloomberg’s billion, nominate anybody but Sanders.

This fucking guy.

Civil Rights Act & Medicare, GJGE you god damn rat


This is what I’m talking about. White people certainly benefit from “being” a racial minority when it comes time to steal 800 million in contracts. They certainly benefit from “being” a racial minority when it comes time to be a fully white person who is also a token minority that gets articles written about them.

I just think it’s hilarious for the “herp derp drop it crowd” that this article comes out a day later. Clearly I’m not the only one bothered about this.


I don’t get it, what the fuck is so bad about the revolutionary politics of the 60s?

I’d love to see Bernie seize the CRA angle and point out, again, that Pete doesn’t understand African Americans.

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Occasional scammers is not the same as the ‘reverse racism’ tropes that animate this subject. If you’re point is that poc are still getting taken advantage of by white scamming money meant for them just like I has ever been in this country, then yeah thanks for pointing it out. If your point is that Warren pulled any of said scams, bring some receipts or stfu.

This whole thing is based on a bad faith right wing attack in the first place. It’s the same attack as AOC dresses too nice and Bernie has 3 houses and Obamas birth certificate then his transcripts, etc. The right keeps trying to tell us that whatever progressive they’re targeting today isn’t authentically the identity they claim. But they don’t care whether its true or not that’s not the point, the point is to gaslight the target and all of us into caring about a constantly moving goalpost, as if they get to be the arbiter of who is authentically whatever. Its total bullshit. Stop kvetching and splitting hairs to figure out how, much is true and is it a problem, yada yada yada. The only proper answer to any of it is lolfu.



There’s no moving goalpost here. I find it reasonable that a lot of people were told they had NA heritage. Can’t think of many on the national stage that spent their entire life claiming it both in speech and on forms. You seem to think that claiming Native identity could never be a benefit. Calling 800 million dollars the occasional scam, ok sure. We also deported the occasional native in the 1800s. No big deal.

Would love to hear you tell those 200 NA people that signed the letter “lolfu” and “y’all are bad faith right wing attackers”

Fuck me, what a thing to write.

“Sanders is fine and all, but given we’re all sociopaths who abhor the idea of principles but love money, he’s really misjudged us all, hasn’t he?!”

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Clearly that’s not who I’m talking about,im talking about the right wing identity police that started this subject. This ‘concern’ about Warren’s ethnicity didn’t come from the Cherokee, it came from the right wing propaganda mills. If some Cherokee want to take issue with her claims OK fine do your thing guys but you’re carrying water for the racists in this country whether you mean to or not.

The policing of identity is a core activity of racism and playing into it is bad.

lol gtfo with this