Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

The upside is you don’t have to hear the morons make the same bad faith argument over and over. The stories die out if you own what you say and show that it was something reasonable. If you lie and deny like Pete does with the various racial issues from his hometown then the issue drags out and causes a lot of damage.


It’s not just being stubborn. It keeps them attacking a weak point that isn’t really that weak because nobody really cares he said something nice about Castro that one time. Or Ortega or whoever else. That stuff is already baked in with the Socialism. Also displaying stubbornness can be read as showing strength, which people tend to want in a leader.

Goddamn, that’s the whole point. There’s no upside, he’s doing it because he thinks it’s the right thing.

At some point you have to understand that people will see through these cheap shots. I spent an obscene amount of time arguing with ikes about why his cheap shots were incorrect when all along the only real answer was “lolikes.”

At some point you just have to trust that regular slobs watching all of this will see through all of the bullshit. It’s not an easy thing to do. But I guarantee you that young people in the Midwest are watching Mayo Pete and Sanders bandy back and forth and they will notice that one of them is standing on principle and the other one is making “yet you participate in society?!” troll posts. lolikes. lolPete.


Lol I never thought of it like that but this is a super good point.

Comparing the suffering of Palestinians people (one ‘right thing’) to nitpicking Castro’s policies (the other ‘right thing’) is really not in the same ballpark.
Obv lolPete, I just disagree with the need for the 60 minutes remarks.

But whatever, if you guys think people see through this crap I’m happy.

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Not posting for substance, just thought the video could be useful for some of our resident gif makers.


I agree, it’s not. But handling them the same is still probably correct. You give these guys an inch with these bad faith attacks and it never ends. Look what they did to Corbyn. Some version of “yeah, so what?” is probably the optimal response to all of it.

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Its twofold here: young people dont care about that shit at all
The olds only care because the tv tells them to


I think the Sanders spin on it is why he’s a good politician. The axis everyone wanted the Castro stuff to be on is “is Sanders a pinko?” redbaiting bullshit and instead of revolving this answer around that axis by denying it or further elaborating he spun it as a more anodyne “I call balls and strikes in foreign policy”


GOPete cancelled his trip to Florida, it appears. So long GOPete?

Sounds like they mostly missed. You see the king, he stay the king.


The results look like they allowed only a single answer. If true, that is quite dumb.

Notice how Warren said: “Bernie’s team trashed me for it”. She didn’t attack Sanders directly which is in contrast to her attacks on the other candidates.


They are looking at ads on the teevee.

Be ready for a rude awakening b/c this might change drastically after SC, which I expect Biden to win pretty convincingly. I think if Biden wins or loses by just a few delegates, it’s good for Sanders. If I’m wrong (and I hope I am) and Sanders wins, I think it’s pretty much over. Thing is, there’s no telling how deep Sanders’ support is, so I hope I’m wrong about him getting crushed by Biden in SC

Also, without strong finishes I think Klob, and possibly Pete, will have to drop out either of their own volition or will be strongly urged to do so by the anti Bernie arm of the DNC. They are splitting up the moderate vote, which is allowing Sanders to run away with this thing. Hopefully, Warren drops out as well and the majority of her supporters go to Bernie, but Pete is the one who’s really playing spoiler here and making it tough on Biden. They aren’t stupid and will try to consolidate the moderate vote

Yeah, she’s noticeably softened her tone with Bernie possibly angling for a VP or cabinet slot. My question (especially to all who yearn for a female VP and I’m one of them) is, can we afford to lose a senate seat?

So I’m not going to start a new thread just to conduct a poll, but I got into it with a friend of mine again about what should happen in the event of a brokered convention (which seems very likely to me at this point)…

I say the nomination should go to the candidate who holds a plurality of votes. She disagrees saying that if the aggregate total for a moderate is more than a progressive than the majority have basically said they prefer a moderate and it would be actually unfair to choose the progressive with the plurality

But I’m like you can play that game all day. How do you know a candidate isn’t getting votes strictly based on some other position than a moderate one (they are all touting much of the same things)? Maybe some vote for Pete b/c they think it would be great to see the first openly gay president and not necessarily because he’s a moderate. If we took a vote for best poster on this site, should we discount the person with the most votes because maybe the total votes of everyone combined had posted more in one sub forum, so therefore, the mods could just choose one of them because they best represent what’s important to us?

Okay that’s probably a shit analogy and I admit to having a hard time coming up with a good one. I just don’t think you can nor should, break it down so easily between moderate and progressive. Maybe it’s one single policy (like gun control, or climate change) that everyone agrees on. There are all kinds of ways to add up to a majority. What does everyone else think? And can you give a thoughtful analogy to convince me that I’m wrong to want to go with whoever has a plurality of votes or why my friend is right that this shouldn’t necessarily be the case?

Because as someone here already said, if I feel they stole the nomination away from Bernie again, I’ll be one of (I think many), driving to Milwaukee and marching. Am I wrong?

Biden still has a decent lead in polling, so we should expect a Biden then Bernie result even while we hope for the opposite.

I’m not convinced this will happen–I suspect most that would have already jumped ship. I much prefer Warren still in and attacking other candidates.