Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Democratic Primaries 2020: You come at the king, you best not miss


@otatop approved of this message… :point_up_2:

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Nice thread title change.

People are on here gleefully, credulously spreading the Pocahontas talking points, so uh, yeah, some of y’all ain’t that much better than Trump voters in that respect.

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This is one of my main points. To most people, particularly Trump voters, politics seems to be about self-expressision rather than results. Like great job, you voted for Trump/Bernie and stuck it to the man! Self-expression is nice, but it’s the material results that count. Now, it so happens that popular will can get things done in the US, and I’m hoping that Bernie can harness the popular will to get elected and get things done. I think he’s probbaly more electable than Warren. That said, I think she would be better at “making the administrative state [and Congress] work to accomplish your goals” Still, I could be wrong. Bernie may be wildly successful. Or he may be McGovern and this little 250 year old experiment of a nation of laws may be over.

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Nah, there are plenty of smart people in this country who can craft progressive legislation/policy. Leadership is the issue.


I have the opposite frustration sometimes, though I struggle to articulate it.

We aren’t fixing this country through artfully crafted legislation and an administrative state full of well-paid experts. The fix is in the people, waking up a movement that actually demands all the things that have been held back from them across centuries of ruthless capitalism. We’ve got an outside chance to take power away from Republicans for good, if the working folk can realize they’ve got more in common with each other than they do with their moneyed overlords. If that happens, it won’t matter what half-assed bullshit Republican Senators will sign off on. It’s the only way out of this mess, otherwise we’ll be fighting off Trump 2.0 every four years from now until our nation crumbles anyways.

Wonkery is not going to save us.


Elisabeth Warren conceptualized and headed the creation of the CFPB. She is way more capable when it comes understanding and changing the administrative state that Bernie.

Done, thanks!

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Twitter is but a small microcosm of the electoral picture.

More mathematicians than waiters I think the saying goes.

Elizabeth Warren is one of those plenty of smart people. If Bernie is President and another one of those ideas comes along from Elizabeth or anyone else then I’m sure he will fight for it.

What he won’t do is surrender when his aide tells him the equivalent of “Medicare for All Who Want It” polls better than the actual great idea of “Medicare for All.”

All Ds other than Bernie: Ah fuck, that tricky focus grouper got me again… “Medicare for All Who Want It” it is I guess.


This is the best stated version of the Bernie hope, but it’s not the sort of proposition I’d want to bet the country on. Doesn’t look like there are too many other options, however.

brace for impact, the proverbial ‘kitchen sink’ is coming

Sure, I’m not particularly fond of our chances here. The interests of the few have dominated this country since its founding, and there were surely plenty of points in history when people thought “surely NOW is the time things change!” But this election truly does feel like an inflection point and could be the first and last true opportunity to change things for the better, so we’ve got to take our chances.


I agree with this.

It’s kinda like there’s a ten ton boulder in our way and we need to move it if we want to go forward. People are talking about voting for warren, because she’s got special tools and will chip off a few more pounds than anyone else. But no one is moving the boulder, unless hundreds of millions of people try to move it.


We need to channel all of our orb energy to Bernie tomorrow during the debate, he is going to need it to defend everything coming his way


Time to find out if America is completely for sale or only mostly for sale.