Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

this is like that episode of friends when ross said that rachel was “just a waitress”


Your implication is obvious to anyone that reads your post. (I almost called it out when I saw it in real-time but honestly expected you to edit it to something slightly less condescending.)

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Just to add in some more data:

"Warren leads the field among some of the most highly-educated Americans such as scientists and psychotherapists. While Sanders is the top recipient among teachers, Warren, a former Harvard Law School professor, gets the most support from professors.

Sanders is also by far the top recipient of money from software engineers, programmers and information technology professionals, helping explain how Google, Amazon, Microsoft and Apple are among his top 10 organization contributors.

Pharmacists gave far more to Sanders — nearly $69,000 — than any other candidate. The Vermont senator also dominates the presidential field among musicians and artists."

Well the Dems on twitter and FB are all dining on each other’s flesh it was a matter of time before it arrived here too I guess.

Trump is a mortal lock to win in November.

I don’t think the chances of this are high enough to change any candidate’s strategy. With Bernie as the only real head of a movement, I think he will (and should) fight through just about anything short of death to become the nominee, especially if he’s able to find a strong VP who shares his values.

Like hardcore Bernie supporters not think Bernie voters are smarter than Trump voters? I’m pretty sure they do.

Did pete’s people post the wrong video? This is 5 seconds of bernie saying castro gave people healthcare which is good and the rest of the video is him condemning dictators. Skydiver?

A PHD in science or psychotherapy (or, for that matter, the ability to write really efficient code) doesn’t confer more value on some voter than any other profession. The political preferences of highly educated people are certainly influenced by their own lives and incentives, which likely start to diverge from actual working class people once their salaries are high enough.


Guy who cracks jokes about Down syndrome thinks waiters are dumb and that that explains a lot about toxic Bernie Bros.


I’ve seen one document that she filled out when she was like 24 years old, and where race counts for nothing more than statistical tabulation, like the census.

So which group in this data is part of the stupid Bernie supporters?

Pete’s team is just being lazy and mimicking Bloomberg from earlier in the day, I guess they took Bloomberg’s attack at face value and went with it lol

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Maybe, just maybe, all these supposedly dumb waiters are smart enough to see that Bernie actually will do everything in his power to make their lives better while Warren is the representative of phony self-important people such as yourself.


I’m not sure which is annoying me more, that this thread is once again clogged with AIDSy infighting or that I’ve somehow lost my ability to change the title.


I don’t even know what this discussion is about anymore, other than trying to dunk on simplicitus for being a condescending asshole.

Warren remains the far-and-away #2 choice among members of this forum. Everyone agrees the Native American thing was pretty stupid. I don’t think anyone (except Victor?) is actually making a Bernie-vs-Warren decision based on her choices there.

Bernie supporters voting in their own interest doesn’t make them stupid. Considering the history in this country of working people shooting themselves in the foot at the polls, it actually makes Bernie supporters look pretty aware.

What the fuck.


:+1: RE-name it for the day brother. And I’ll do it. :ok_hand:

I mean if that’s the full extent of the deep, dark, scary, oppo on Bernie then you might as well crown him tomorrow.


Again, my point was not that Bernie supporters are mostly or even largely ignorant (though there are plenty of Vict0ar’s in the mix).

My point was that I can get behind Bernie because elections are (ideally) won by those with the most votes, and he has more voters than Warren. As the story about Adlai Stevenson goes, a supporter approached him at a campaign rally and shouted, “Governor, every thinking person would be voting for you.”

Stevenson replied, “Madam, that is not enough. I need a majority.”

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Does twitter do the facebook algorithm shit where you only see stuff you like? Because I’m seeing a whole lot of gold in the comments under that video and very little support for Splint uh ex mayor buttigieg.

It also frustrates me that there is so much focus put on legislation, when there is zero happening without the Senate. The real power comes from making the administrative state work to accomplish your goals. In that realm, Liz is much stronger than Bernie, imo.

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