Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Frankly, I think every candidate who doesn’t have a path to victory should drop out after super tuesday, including liz, pete, biden, and bloomberg. I felt the same way in 2016.

I’m sure you’ve negotiated settlement agreements. Do you open with an amount halfway between what your client wants and what opposing counsel wants? Or do you open with something that gives you room to work with?

This isn’t hard and any discussion around health care operates the same way.

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Yes, it was clear from context to even “stupid waiters” much less “super smart lawyers“ like Simplicitus that the issue was Warren making herself a liar to accept PAC money to keep her campaign alive. Then I explicitly said that.

My guess is that Simplicitus is now doing that lawyer thing where he pretends to be stupider than he is to win an argument by exhausting his opponents.


I agree, and Bernie likely has the best strategy, but I don’t think for a second that he could either craft or pass a bill that is better than Warren. I don’t see the virtue in arguing that embrace of imaginary pumpkin pie is disqualifying because it’s not as good as an imaginary ice cream cake. Frankly, I assume Bernie will adopt a lot of Warren’s policy programs if he’s the nominee.

I don’t know the details on the PAC thing, but even assuming she went back on her promise, I’m OK with that. Politics breeds plenty of hypocrisy. Didn’t Bernie argue that having the most delegates, but still a plurality, should not make one the nominee in 2016?




Lol, dominates the discussion while being ignorant of the basic facts being discussed. Then changes the subject. Exactly what we need you “super smart” guys around for…

What facts and what subject were being discussed?


Bernie can have a serious medical event that forces him out, so that’s one slim path to victory. That’s what everyone should be positioning themselves for, just in case. Try to rack up enough delegates to be in the conversation when that happens, while preventing anyone else from being a clear #2.

Simplicitus is definitely now doing that lawyer thing where he pretends to be stupider than he is to win an argument by exhausting his opponents.


Fuck off with that. You’re as bad as Max/D’essin/ecriture. That shit about waiters is one of the worst posts ever on this site. Jesus fucking Christ. You are such a snob.


I guess I’d be more up on these anti-Warren talking points if I watched more Fox News.

“This is not the first kind of about-face from Elizabeth Warren. First it was the whole issue about whether she was of Native American heritage or not. And, you know, she went on that road and it didn’t turn out very well,” Wallace said, also mentioning Warren’s “Medicare-for-all” softening. “And now super PACs, and you’re exactly right, because it wasn’t like she just said, ‘Well, this is the strategy and I want to do it with small donations, not big donations.’ She made it a moral issue.”

All I said is that if you are going to win a presidential election you need a lot of stupid people on your side, and I think Bernie has more stupid people on his side than Warren, so I’m fine with him being the nominee, because I care about winning.

Fuck you


Been waiting for this…

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Fair… :v:

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Dude you straight up said waiters are stupid. No amount of ikesing is going to save you here. Just apologize, take the L and don’t equate being poor with being stupid anymore.


The waiters don’t look happy, dude. You may have angered them.

Sure, you’re right. All waiters are stupid, and all stupid people are Bernie supports, that’s exactly what I was saying, you really nailed it.