Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Silly poors and their “stupid” desire for fucking health care. It’s just a darn shame they aren’t civilized like all the Ivy League geniuses that either can’t or won’t get the god damn kids out of the motherfucking cages.


What’s funnier is the 2 OG Bernie fans have said nowt wrt these posters but Warren turn Bernie fans seem more toxic than anyone ONTHISSITE

This is straight gaslighting bro. You want to tell me she didn’t gain any advantage, OK, totally plausible. You want to tell me that wasn’t her aim, even in the smallest degree, I might look at you a little side eyed but who cares, whatever. It’s possible. But when you’re trying to tell me that in Liz’s heart of heart she thought that she wasn’t being dishonest when she said she was native american, then yeah I’m not buying it. She knew her ancestry was overwhelmingly white. And not unquestioningly believing that she was acting in good faith isn’t a fucking conspiracy theory.


Look, maybe she was just hoping it would come back that she’s :100: that bitch, we can’t be sure what her motives were.


What a surprise that Pete is latching onto another disingenuous attack. oh also Bloomberg used the exact same clip to attack Bernie too, looks like Pete loves siding with the billionaires

But someone should tell him the guy whose speeches he’s copying said the same shit

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What sets Sanders apart from the field is that his weaknesses aren’t ugly comments from the past or unflattering episodes in his history, but his own core program. He has functionally reverse-engineered Trump’s preferred attacks into a series of campaign promises.


A primary is about picking nits. One candidate used to be a Republican and backtracked on M4A when she was the front runner. The other has been a lifelong champion of the middle class, minorities and the marginalized. I’m not Bernie or bust, and would gladly vote for Warren.


Just the recent Warren PAC flip-flop is a simple and very effective vehicle for demonstrating why Warren’s history of being less than forthright makes Bernie >>>>>>>>> Warren. Sure Liz is fighter, maybe the toughest fighter in the field, but for her self first, then and only then for the people. She found herself running on fumes, beyond a long shot to win the nomination, but did she give up? No, she just betrayed her principles and caved to what she has described as a massively destructive influence in politics. What choice did she have, to give up on her goal of being POTUS and getting behind Bernie. Pffff, that is a loser’s mentality and Liz is a FIGHTER.

Her slogan should be “Me, me, me THEN Us”

Meanwhile Bernie has been saying the same thing for 40 years. And every single goddamn year when the corporate interests bought off enough of his colleagues to get their way, what did he do? Did he give up and get discouraged? Ever say fuck it, I’ll just eat at the trough with the rest of the pigs? Hell no, he said I’ll be back to fight you fuckers again next year, and for every goddamn year for the rest of my life. And he stuck to it until his message finally broke through after he almost died of a heart attack at age 78 fucking years old. That’s a man principle. That’s what “Not me, us” is all about.


I felt the same way about Bernie in 2016. I mean, I can see why he stayed in, and I don’t hold it against him, but it was less than ideal for the democratic party. People asking Liz to drop out might remember that.

Wow, may want to check your super smart guy credentials as you missed the point completely. She can stay in the race as long as she pleases. What makes her an opportunist liar is reneging on her promise not to accept support from PACs because her back is against the wall.

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Lol, Bernie campaigned tirelessly for Hillary.

We’ve tried it your way, smart guy. The results speak for themselves. Step aside.


That’s actually another thing about Bernie. He’s not a democrat. This no doubt gives him bonus points from some, but it will also likely lose him the support of others. Will it matter in a general, is it a positive or negative for electability? I don’t know. However, I’ve always liked Bernie, going back to when he was a lone democratic socialist in the early 90s. In any event, it’s an academic question, because barring some very unexpected events on super Tuesday (Bloomberg?), I think he’s basically a lock to have the most delegates and will have a lock on the nomination even if he doesn’t get a majority of delegates. (There is no DNC deep state that will take it away from him.)

So, I am all in on Bernie, because he’s the de facto nominee, but I have concerns, as I would with any nominee (including Liz).


Might have missed someone else making this point, but IDGAF about Warren writing on her bar card or telling Harvard she was part Native American. What I do care about is how her political instincts told her to make a commercial describing her taking a DNA test and how extremely clumsy that was. It almost ended her campaign before it even started. Combined with her decision to flip flop on M4A and her decision to attack Bernie as sexist as some sort of hail mary pass, something that only hurt her even more, it’s clear her political instincts are probably the worst in the field. Trump would destroy her at any debate. You can kiss whatever tiny bit of intellectualism left in our society goodbye if it’s Trump vs. Warren.

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I mean, Bernie’s basically a Democrat. Not an establishment Democrat, but still basically a Democrat.

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Did he drop out as soon as it became clear he wouldn’t be the nominee? That’s what I’m responding to. Not surprisingly, his supporters, like Hillary’s, think others should step aside when their candidate is the probable nominee. The difference is that in 2016 Bernie was still competing even after he no longer had a shot.

I don’t care at all about the M4A flip flop. If someone finds a way to get even a public option (or hell, reinstating Obamacare) through the Senate before 2024, I’d consider that a major victory. The rest is just posturing over slogans, and there’s no chance for any progress on healthcare without killing the filibuster first. If Bernie refuses to do that, then his plan is worse than Pete’s.

Literally nobody (that I’ve seen, I could be wrong) has said anyone should drop out to help Bernie.

I want no part of this stupid ass Pocahontas debate, it’s a complete waste of time. But it’s pretty obvious you’re just nitpicking Bernie supporters because you think you’re smarter or more well informed than they are. Which, given the last 20 years or so, requires a breathtaking level of hubris.


The only reason Bernie is not a Democrat is because he sincerely believes all the things Ds say to pander for votes.**

** Excluding pandering to bigoted voters, i.e. Soulja Sistah, Super Predators, Can be gay in military but don’t tell anyone, Blacks need to be regularly stopped and searched for their own safety, etc.


There’s a huge difference in putting up token opposition as #2 in a 2 candidate race than playing spoiler in a multi-candidate race when you’re not viable. I don’t think that’s what anyone is trying to do, everyone is just hoping for a hail mary. The fact that the front runner is a 78 year old coming off a heart attack probably enters the calculus a bit TBH.

There’s a legitimate argument that, if he’d caved and dropped early instead of staying in and building this movement, that he wouldn’t be in the position he is in now. Further, I personally would make the argument that his campaign is our final hail mary attempt to stave off the literal death of democracy. So like, seems like staying in was a pretty good idea.

And of course I don’t think anyone here really cares if Liz stays in the race. Bernie was scooping delegates in 16 while Liz is getting dumpstered in every contest. It’s a bad comparison.