Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Confirmation bias

I trust a 70-year-old man, a man generally regarded as the most left-wing politician at the federal-level, to have a comprehensive idea about things. I’m also sure that that detailed specificity can be found at his website or elsewhere. The reason he hasn’t spoken at length about it in a debate or town hall setting is obvious.

It’s simple. The anti-Bernie came out and said she had the exact opposite experience in the same timeframe.

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And I remember Trump supporters saying that if the borders were open the US would be overrun by gang members.

If you constantly aren’t a gullible fool in real life I’d be very surprised. She’s at best, a troll.

What else is one of the other two anti-democratic candidate running for president this year gonna do?


I was a Warren #1 guy, leaning Booker or Castro #2 who has slowly overcome his desire to have anything but another white guy to the point that I was becoming a Bernie backer and getting a little more hopeful and even optimistic. And I think he really has become my #1.

And this is not some “you guys are gonna make me vote Trump,” but the zealous victimhood of Bernie supporters online is really off-putting. This is a dumb story, probably some part dumb calculation by Warren and some part cynical smear/ratings builder by the media, and it should get literally zero attention. And I know this thread isn’t real life, but I wake up in the morning to find the thread has like doubled and it’s all like a big meta conversation about whether “Bitches be (or do not be) Lying” and how everyone is out to get Bernie. It’s tedious.

I hope when the dumb thing comes up in the debate, Bernie says “I never said that and I have great respect for Warrent and I’ve always supported women candidates and that’s all Im gonna say about that topic or that private conversations.” And Warren says, "I’m not going to talk about that conversation but I’ve been told all my wife that women can’t succeed, and I’m never gonna stop proving people wrong. And the real problems facing Americans are … " and then neither of them is dumb enough to say anything further.

Fingers crossed, I guess.


It’s interesting to think about. Dunno how many times I’ve heard that women consider confidence the most attractive attribute in a man. What that affords a man in forwardness of behavior is probably pretty substantial.

Gonna be tough to find the happy median between pausing every few seconds during consensual sex to secure written permission for the next fondle, and what women actually want.

The whole thing is an experiment of modernity, still playing-out, but it enjoys an unearned assumption of superiority.

Hopefully Bernie puts this stuff to bed tomorrow. It’s silly.

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Nearly rage-refunded all of my donations to Warren’s campaign. I’m holding out to see what she says tomorrow during the debate. I’m also worried that if I refunded too much actblue would ban me or something and then I wouldn’t be able to donate more to Bernie. I guess I might have to just live with it, like my $1 donation to GOPete. #RefundWarren is trending on Twitter

edit - actblue is sending people emails saying they are at ‘high volumes’. Not good for Warren.


Warren claims to not have leaked the details of the conversation intentionally, but if that’s true, she could have defused the situation by saying “he didn’t say flat out that a woman couldn’t win, in response to my question about it he said he thought it would be difficult, I didn’t leak this and I don’t think people should leak private conversations”. Like regardless of whether Sanders actually said that a woman can’t win, it’s within her power to defuse the issue. Being like “well I don’t want to make an issue of this, but he totally said that shit” seems disingenuous.

I simply don’t buy that Sanders, in response to the question “can a woman beat Trump”, answered with a flat out “no, impossible” as opposed to “ehhh, pretty hard road I think” or whatever. Nobody would answer that question with a simple “no”.


Dem supporters: „God, the democratic establishment is so bad at this. Keep focusing on healthcare and stuff people care about.“

Also Dem supporters: „we‘ll blow this who said what to who thing into a major event that dominates a newscycle“




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Jesus fucking christ the fact that this is a major story is so fucking embarrassing yet so emblematic if how incompetent the democratic party is and how shitty our media is.

Bernie needs to shut this down asap tomorrow.
“First, I have incredible respect for Liz. Such respect that, if she had run in 2016, I likely would not have run myself and would have supported her. As I said in my statement, it’s clear that a woman can become president. Hillary Clinton beat Donald Trump by 3 million votes! (pause for applause). My point was that the sexist, misogynist man in the White House will go low, and any Democratic nominee should be prepared for this. But we shouldn’t make decisions here based on avoiding his attacks. We should be making decisions based on which policies best support the American people. On that, Liz and I agree more than anyone on this stage, and I will not be attacking her tonight like the media wants in their quest to manufacture drama and drive up viewership. Now let’s focus on the policies that matter to the American people.”

And Liz should echo this statement, or she’s sinking both campaigns. Good luck rallying Bernie’s supporters to your cause if they view you as the torpedo that sunk his campaign.

Liz can’t sink Bernie here… and she’s already sunk herself. If she waffles on her statement she looks like a liar, and as it stands she looks really really bad.

Even if what she said had been true, it was a private conversation so it shouldn’t have come out, and what she’s claiming he said isn’t even that bad. Certainly not bad enough to seriously harm Bernie’s support in any major way. There’s just no positive spin for this at all for Warren.

Just truly terrible politics on every level. I have no idea why she decided to become politically suicidal this last 60-90 days, but that’s exactly what happened.

Bernie supporters will never support her in a meaningful way after this. They latch onto any perceived slight at a crazy level and won’t let it go. She needed their votes to win the primary down the stretch when the field narrows.

Given that her candidacy probably isn’t even going to be viable going forward I think she should drop out. I say this as someone who had her in my #1 slot until the healthcare backtrack.

Yes the media sucks. Yes CNN did this on purpose. No that doesn’t matter. One of the things about doing high difficulty things like running for president is that you get an absolutely enormous number of opportunities to make bad decisions that can absolutely sink you. Warren seems to have a talent for picking the wrong choice in situations that are pretty obvious. I sincerely wish it wasn’t so. I hand waived away the Native American thing because I sincerely think she believed it. Then she messed up healthcare and I hoped she could recover / tried to explain it away, although I admit I started to waver because healthcare is easily my #1 issue. Now she does this idiocy.

And it really is idiocy. If Warren had just flatly denied it as soon as it got reported it would have gone away almost instantly and CNN would have looked bad. Instead she went ahead and gave them exactly what they wanted. This is 100% on her and absolutely no one else. You can get mad at CNN for very obviously being in the tank for the establishment all you want, but they’ve been that way for a long time, which means this was very predictable. This was an easy choice and Warren blew it badly.


Oh no Liz bby what is your doin

D10 is your argument that Warren’s campaign isn’t influenced by former Hillary staffers because they are only in state level executive positions and not her national campaign manager? And also that it doesn’t count if the Hillary staffers in question don’t have Wikipedia pages?


Thinking about this during some yoga this morning, because what better way to relax than thinking about the current American political landscape, I think any election reform package should include limits on media advertising.

I’m not trying to get all conspiratorial with this particular event–I’m not claiming it’s manufactured by media companies or anything like that. But I do think the amplification of this drama is incentivized by the desire to get engagement/eyeballs and sell advertising.

I’d propose including a law in the eventual election reform package which bars broadcasters from accepting advertising for presidential debates. They still have an incentive to hold debates, as it’s good PR and gets eyeballs on their anchors. But I think a law like this would reduce the monetary incentive to amplify drama for the sake of engagement, putting more focus on the debate itself.

Maybe this is a bandaid on a gaping wound (should we go further and ban advertising for all political content? not even sure how that’d work in practice but contemplating the outcome is an interesting thought experiment) but it seems like it’s a good start.

Edit: adding a link here showing just how lucrative presidential debates are for broadcasters. 30-second spots going for $110k when they’re normally $7-12k at prime time!

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Times interview of Warren is totally different than Bernie’s. They asked her the ridiculous broken heart question but nothing about apps or Amazon Prime or any of the other nonsense. What a joke of a newspaper.