Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Which doesn’t belong and why?


It’s just a matter of priority. Sanders is lucid and sharp.

Women well into their 60s on Instagram are sharing their bodacious bods with adoring audiences of sweaty-hog-crankers

wat Im trying to say, is 80 is the new 50

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This is by far the worst story to come out about Sanders.


It’s even more ridiculous in context. Warren had me fooled for a little bit but her “spin” about her lucrative corporate bankruptcy career actually being about helping the little guy get ripped the mask off and made me realize she would say anything to get a vote.

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I started off a Pete fan but then moved on to Warren (though I harbor none of the absolutely insane frothing hatred toward Pete that many here have). I’m now a disappointed Bernie voter.


This is basically me as well, although I friend zone’d Pete way before this forum decided he was a centrist Antichrist. Still like him, still a good deal better than Sleepy.

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If Tulsi is calling bs on Warren that really ups the probability it’s bs. But again even if it isn’t based on what she has done its really disqualifying for Warren as a progressive and ends her campaign. In a nutshell its dumb politically.

She should be doing things to help the progressive movement if she is progressive, not burn it to the ground. That or she should have just ran as a DemE.

I’m still a Warren guy, but much less enthusiastic than I was before. Probably not for the same reason as many here. This thread captures it perfectly for me:

I’m actually totally fine with Mayor Pete or Klob(!) because I think most of the differences people talk about here are totally irrelevant - the executive does not have any ability to pass legislation like Medicare For All. So unless a candidate says “I would veto a M4A bill”, it’s not terribly important to me whether they really want M4A immediately or whether they think a longer-term path to universal coverage is better.

Let’s talk about foreign policy and executive actions - that’s where the real power of the executive comes in.


Pete sucks and you’ll never convince me otherwise.


That’s my biggest concern by far with Warren. What is her FP? And whatever the platform is at the moment, what record does she have on it more than a year old? She was a Reagan Republican and I’d like to be sure that she changed her mind about more and because of more than bankruptcy rules.


I don’t doubt that Bernie has strong views about labor and the imbalance of power in labor relationships. But I don’t recall Bernie having specific plans to address the issue (outside of minimum wage increases). That’s why I was generally so positive about Warren relative to Bernie. I perceived him as offering (true) complaints about the status quo, while Warren offered potential solutions to those problems. My interpretation of the Twitter thread I posted is that Bernie co-opted some of Warren’s specific details, which happened to be consistent with his general views.

I agree. I’ve heard her speak a little about foreign policy in podcast interviews, and she’s generally sounded reasonable, but the topic deserves more conversation. This would be a way better use of time in the debates than arguing over details about M4A that won’t ever be implementable absent an enormous shift in the legislature.

But the executive does matter greatly, you know how in just 3 years Trump purged the R party and remade it in his image by appealing directly to his frothing at the mouth base? And they sided w/ Trump over the Jeff Flakes and even deep long-time racist Jeff Sessions because Trump sincerely and deeply believes the same racist/xenophobic shit the R base does?

Bernie would do the same for progressive policies to the establishment D corporate sellouts. Sure Biden/Pete/Warren would “be for” whatever progressive policy they think would benefit them politically, but the polls can change from day to day and so would their policies. Everyone knows that and can see that in them.

With Bernie, we know what he would fight like hell for, because he has been telling us the same thing for the last 30-40 years. And that sincerity is doubly helpful, because it’s also the best way to beat Trump in the first place. Bernie is with the working class economically 1010% percent and any idiot can see it. Now some idiots may hate Mexicans more than they love a living wage, but at least that idiot can see there is a choice to be made.


This might be one of the worst takes I’ve seen.


2nd biggest reason to vote for Bernie is that his “ambition” is not to be President of the United States. Maybe 3rd biggest reason.

It seems pretty clear what happened. Warren asked Bernie, privately, whether he thought a woman could win; Bernie gave an answer which was not a flat out “no” but could be interpreted as a negative response. I think this is pretty scummy from Warren. She asked him a question about Democratic strategy privately and without knowing it, he was obliged to either lie to her or have his words used against him later.

The other thing this highlights is how childish our political discourse is. It might be the case that misogyny in American society makes it very difficult for a woman to win this cycle. If that is the case, the adult thing to do is to face this fact and decide whether it’s worth compromising your values in service of a higher chance of winning, or whether values of gender equality are just too important to back down on. Instead, since people don’t want to either compromise their values or face reduced winning chances, their solution is to pretend that this can’t be true and yell at anyone who suggests that it is.

This sort of denial that any challenge to your political values exists is at the heart of how a lot of political arguments happen. I’ve observed before that arguing with libertarians circa a decade ago, the line on climate change was “it’s not even happening, but if it is, perfectly natural, probably nothing to do with humans, but if it is humans, it’s not going to be very damaging, and if it is, it’s not cost-effective to stop it in any case”. The motivator there is that addressing climate change would require strong global governance, and they cannot admit that their ideology has no solution for this problem. Therefore, there is no alternative but to deploy 20 arguments at once against the existence of the problem. It’s uncomfortable for their ideas to be challenged, hence come hell or high water they must argue that no such challenge exists.


I remember trump supporters saying this about trump.

well, it’s really “I don’t care”. Everything else is just part of a really stupid game they like to play.

We just elected a guy who acts like a child as POTUS; that ship of politics being too childish has sailed a long time ago, if it ever did.

that said reading this topic–WTF at anything involving tulsi having any sort of credibility.