Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Nailed it… :ok_hand:

It’s terrible politics by Warren regardless of it is true or not. You guys are smart enough to realize why so I won’t bore you with it. But terrible politics is right in her wheelhouse so it isn’t much if a surprise.

You think Mike McCollum is calling shots? He was a state level director in Hillary’s campaign, and a state level director in Warren’s campaign. He doesn’t even have a Wikipedia page.

Let me be very clear about this: if this is the level of evidence you think justifies making the claim you made you’re an absolute fucking idiot. It’s important for you to understand this so maybe you’ll stop infecting this board with your garbage takes.


By the way, that Monmouth poll makes conservative assumptions about who will caucus; it has 15% of caucus-goers being first-timers, while the Des Moines Register poll assumes 30%. That’s one of the big reasons Bernie’s numbers look a lot better in the Des Moines Register poll. How well Bernie’s GOTV campaign goes is going to make the difference. Bernie fans who can spare the time should do some phone banking or something, it really could turn the tide.

The problem for Warren is that she lost her momentum a while ago and is probably not as strong a candidate as she seemed to be at her peak. I’m not sure if how she played M4A cost her the most, but it was a factor. Her rise coincided with a Bernie malaise and a mini Pete correction. Now Pete has taken from her right, and Bernie has taken some from her left, and she doesn’t have much of a path.


Warren was my top choice 2 months ago. She has done several things that really have stretched the credibility of her authenticity. I’m guessing I’m not the only one.


this thread is hoppin’ and poppin’


The same Elizabeth Warren who told universities she had Indian heritage (as an interesting tidbit, not to help her career, of course) and that claimed representing large corporations in bankruptcy for $500/hr was actually helping out the little guy embellished about what Bernie said? That can’t be…

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Who won the “Have a beer with Liz” contest and where’s the video. I’m sure it was a hoot.


Liz > Bernie here.

Her (always narrow) path was on the left flank. She fucked up on health care by swerving right and now she’s desperate. When your pitch is “the whole damn game is rigged and we need to nuke it all,” wavering on health care of all things (look at a fucking poll, Liz), is a rightfully fatal error.

We should have known when she thought an kit would end Pocahontas.

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You know who actually runs Bernie’s campaign? A guy with a Wikipedia page. Because, you know, if you’re in a position to be calling shots on a national campaign for President, yeah you’ve probably got a Wikipedia page.

Getting back to the point, there are still zero senior staff members in Warren’s campaign that were also senior staff in HRC’s campaign. Your earlier statement was a misinformed lie. Just own it.

I don’t think voters give a shit if bernie actually said this or not, this is a hail mary and warren is basically imploding in real time.

anyway, I’m also predicting that steyer gets fucking bulldozed in iowa, like less than 10%

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Most people won’t even hear about it.

I’d have to look but I feel pretty certain Steyer hasn’t had a poll above 5% in IA.

You mean less than 1%? He’s only polling at like 3% right now.

A real moderator would ask him why he doesn’t use his money more productively. Voter registration, state legislatures, move people to low population red states. Alas, see you tomorrow Wolf.


So Warren asked him… and what, unless he says “it’ll be fine, it’s gonna be all puppies and rainbows” he’s a bad guy? Saying “I think it’ll be very hard, Trump won’t hesitate to leverage misogyny” or whatever is just out of bounds to say and makes him a woman hater? Why ask the question if any answer other than “yes” is verboten?

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Bernie definitely could’ve said something like that (as noted, many of us probably did just after 16 results) but didn’t intend it as never ever, ever, just not in 2020, which I’ve stated all along I thought warren would easily lose to trump.

Without hearing the direct quote, hard to say I guess, bernie is going to lose some women voters out of this though I’d reckon.

on twitter at least, the bernie/warren coalition has officially been murdered so that’s a lot less of his 2nd place votes but she doesn’t need those with him not dropping out anytime soon.

hey. You were mentioning how the age-thing influences voters. I honestly don’t get it.

He dies, he’s replaced by a like-minded #2. Call it a day… call it a day.

But let’s agonize over some potentiality that doesn’t mean shit. I thought NPR listeners were a vanguard of hope in our battle against mongolism. Guess not.

I used to think same, but Trump and Biden steadily losing what mind they had is a fair counterpoint.

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