Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Just completely fucking impossible that it’s bullshit on his part, fine; but if it’s possible that it’s a misunderstanding, can you walk back this back please:

Nope. She’s a brilliant human being who should have known to deny the whole thing sixty seconds after it came out. I’m beyond pissed at her. She just blew up her candidacy and she was easily my favorite in the field. (I like Yang a lot as well ldo but of the candidates Nate Silver was giving some feasibility to)

This is a large unforced error. Her third this cycle. I’m super ticked.

It doesn’t matter if it’s even true. It splits the progressive vote and it’s all the way stupid.

Let’s see how Warren treats Biden from here on.

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Agree with most of this. Don’t understand how this is good for Bernie in any way.


My current read is:

  • The story is true.
  • Bernie isn’t a misogynist. He was saying this because he is genuinely worried about a second Trump term and it was an honest read on American attitudes.
  • The story was leaked by either donk Warren allies without her input, or as this tweet suggests by Biden allies trying to lock up Iowa, trying to recreate what happened with Howard Dean and Dick Gephardt in 2004.

Another data point I think is worth adding to the discussion is that Warren was on Pod Save America on Thursday. They asked her how will she convince voters to vote for her instead of Bernie. She said zero negative things about Bernie, didn’t even imply any, and just talked about her record and her story. It would be pretty weird for her to give that answer and then within three days switch to full on bs political hitjob.


Something seemed to happen today, but yeah, the foment war between Warren and Bernie thing could have been orchestrated by people having nothing to do with Warren.

She just confirmed it. The right move was to deny it hard and loud and reflect it back on cnn. Instead she confirmed it and now Twitter is a huge firefight between Warren people and Bernie people. This is an unmitigated disaster and it’s 100% because she just made a huge misplay.

If he said it should have lied about it.

My guess would be that Bernie expressed strong concerns about how much of a handicap misogyny was going to be in the race. I doubt he flat-out said a woman couldn’t win because I just don’t think that’s how he normally expresses himself, he doesn’t normally just lay down absolutes like that. Warren might think that his words could fairly be interpreted as saying that a woman couldn’t win.

Either way, I don’t think these kind of backroom discussions are fair game to be dragged into the open. Openly saying that sort of thing is necessary, those sorts of concerns need to be discussed. After 2016 Hillary stans were yelling about misogyny, now are Democrats not allowed to discuss privately whether misogyny does actually does represent an electability problem? Like are you not allowed to think that at all, or just not allowed to privately express it? Misogyny isn’t Voldemort, it doesn’t make it harder for it to happen if you studiously avoid mentioning that it exists.


LOL media, as always.

In media world, Trump and Bernie Sanders get the exact same treatment.

A says x, B says y! No need for context, history, anything.

I’m struggling to even come up with a response to these two sentences because I’m like an ass between two equally ridiculous assertions. I don’t want to be mean though. Of course it matters if it’s true. And how is it splitting the progressive vote? She’s already in the race splitting the progressive vote. Even if this move is entirely cynical and shady, she’s not splitting any vote, she’s trying to get votes for herself.

This is an easily verifiable lie. Wouldn’t expect any less from you though. Way to do the most cursory of research before posting your feels as facts.

Yeah the media is trying to split and undermine progressives. That’s not news. Warren handing them a decent size win on that objective is. This is so unbelievably stupid I’m actually ready to scream.

It gets them actually fighting each other and it makes them a lot less likely to unify behind one of the two.

Look at this thread dude. This is happening everywhere.

What are you doing when you call an almost inconceivably progressive candidate like Warren a literal liar who needs audio proof that she’s not a liar, if not “undermining” progressives?

Physician heal thyself

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My feel is a slightly personal judgement after looking at some tweets today and stuff and no-one has produced evidence of why I shouldn’t be supporting Bernie for Prez…

All-in-all I think it may hurt them both tomorrow night as Biden slips away again… :sob:

Hopefully this 24 hour cycle continues and its over by tomorrow night with them seeing the downsides of continuing it.

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I think this is why Warren is panicking, btw:

The Monmouth University poll released Monday shows Biden at 24 percent among likely caucusgoers, leading Sen. Bernie Sanders at 18 percent, former South Bend (Ind.) Mayor Pete Buttigieg at 17 percent and Sen. Elizabeth Warren at 15 percent. Sen. Amy Klobuchar is in fifth place, with 8 percent.

Monmouth also asked poll respondents to choose only among Biden, Buttigieg, Sanders and Warren, the only candidates at or eclipsing the 15 percent viability threshold to win delegates at caucus sites. In that matchup, Biden (28 percent), Buttigieg (25 percent) and Sanders (24 percent) grew their support, but Warren remained nearly static at 16 percent.

The problem for Warren is that while she is second-choice for a decent number of people, she’s second-choice for people who already support other top candidates. Time is running out for her and she has to attack the other frontrunners; a fourth-place finish in Iowa would not be a good look and pressure would intensify on her to get out of Bernie’s way.