Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

I really don’t understand the whole “a woman can’t win the presidency” ordeal. After 2016, there were tons of Hillary supporters saying exactly that. No one assumed it was motivated by personal misogyny, it was understood to be a comment on the greater cultural misogyny that is still pervasive throughout our society as an obstacle to the presidency—for women generally—that could not yet be overcome.

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Sad that Booker is out. Didn’t always agree with him, but thought he talked about some necessary issues. Not worried, about his future, though - dude can take a hit…

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Hillary won the popular vote and if a couple swing states had a couple thousand votes in the other direction she wins the electoral college.

Saying a woman cant win the presidency is just a lazy excuse that doesn’t make you dig deeper on why she lost.

Looking forward to the 2024 election, where there will be perfect audio/video deepfakes to attack the progressive candidates.

This map seems ludicrously pessimistic. This is absolutely the best case scenario for the GOP, and highly unlikely with literally any Democrat.

There’s no reason to not give them MN too in this particular map.

What? GOP best case wins at least Minnesota and NH too (although I assume putting VT red is just someone trolling), and puts VA/CO/NV into play.

This is the Trump map from 2016–that is not their best case scenario and is probably a very realistic outcome.

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So much for the Bernie-Warren dream team.

Remember when the Hillary camp claimed there was a troll army of Bernie bros bullying women on line? Really disappointed in Warren taking this tack.

I think we are going to see an unprecedented tsunami of attacks on Bernie. Clip onto the safety lines.

Hope people see the dirty politics for what it is.

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I fear that centrists are looking for any excuse to vote against the scary socialist, so I’m concerned.

I doubt “the media” is coordinating attacks with a particular candidate. The media is trying to get clicks and hold eyeballs, they are pushing stories and narratives that stir the most (negative) emotions. The fact that the media pursues these bull shit stories is more of an indictment of media consumers (and capitalism) than some evidence the poor character of the media as an institution or the candidates themselves.

The Warren campaign may be exploiting this pernicious aspect of the current media landscape, but to call it a coordinated attack, I think, fundamentally misunderstands the underlying motivations and issue that drives this behavior. For-profit “news” organizations operating in a hyper-competitive media landscape in which the primary driver of revenues is holding people’s attention is the fundamental issue. Calling this some kind of conspiracy will not help address the problem, and only make it worse, imo.

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its literally the 2016 map with VT voting red

lol nice Neera, co opting rape survivor language because Bernie might’ve said a woman can’t win. This coming from the same woman who did this shit, fuck all the way off

Also I still laugh her org is called the Center for American “Progress”

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After 4 years of the Trump presidency that’s completely batshit insane not to mention borderline impossible. This is the Biden sucks at this nightmare scenario. He barely won that in 2016 before he’d fucked up 24/7 for 4 years straight.

Neera is a disgusting person and is exhibit A of why people who say things like “our problems would be fixed if we put women in charge” are missing the point.

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2016 was really a perfect storm for Republicans and is probably the best possible outcome given Trump’s drop in popularity. Biden only has to run a slightly less horrible campaign than Hillary and he gets it.

If it’s a joke, I don’t get it.

Elizabeth Warren’s only correct political instinct is to go HAMer than anyone else at the rich and powerful, and that is super potent. Everything else she is awful at.

Aren’t his numbers fairly similar to what they were around the 2016 election?

They took an immediate nosedive of about. 5-10% and they’ve been hovering there ever since.