Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Fucking imagine giving the DNC money 2020. Joke ass party.

Made me look up Cardi B and found this:

also, Bernie with a library voice.

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Axelrod always seemed like a good dude, but he’s a man of the Party and not a man of the people. A kinder, gentler Carville.

AOC with some pretty good answers there.



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Bloomberg makes an ok Republican. As a Democrat he makes a mockery of the idea that the Parties are any different.


Which one is Joe? Serious question.

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I could have sworn Clint Eastwood had already died

This chat is incredible. Cardi B putting every journalist to shame. Hey let’s check out what musicians endorse Biden.


Wait how is the top reply not this?

I can feel something inside me say, “I really don’t think you’re strong enough, no.”


Well, I’ve got some bad news for you, when he dies he’s going to live on through his little shit of a son

Damn when Joe said he was endorsed by Michael Jackson I thought it had to be another bizarre lie.

Do any of the top ~6 drop out before Super Tuesday?

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It’s funny and my world is a small sample size, but I know just as many olds who hate Trump and wanna see someone like Sanders or Warren as young peeps. If fact, I work with more than several 30 somethings who are MAGA hat wearingTrump fanatics

Also, don’t old people wanna make sure their SS and medicare don’t get messed with?

All but bernie/biden are already drawing to runner runner. Two of them should drop right now and be done with it.

That said, Klob’s right now campaigning in MN even though there’s no way she’s doing well in SC. She has enough $ to get to ST anyway. Steyer’s already blown $ on super tuesday ads. Warren was done until she got enough $ in the debate to get to ST. Bloomberg gives zero ****s. Pete’s doing just enough to hang around if he feels like it even though he’s probably not winning a state. Biden can still very easily pickup SC+and a few southern super tuesday states to rebound his campaign.

Something a bit unrelated but came across this page/infographic and was wondering if more of these existed for the current senators. While we know that most people are voting on awful things, having them listed like this seems a great way to show what the person is actually doing. (can be both good/bad obv)