Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

He’s in Warrens demos pretty hard but yeah I think he’s drawing dead.

It’s believable. Many left leaning people on 2p2 said similar things in 2017, possibly me as well. It’s not even particularly misogynistic, it’s speculating on the sexism of American voters.


I’m not comparing trump to sanders or sanders to trump.

They both have anti establishment appeal.

One of the biggest reasons trump can get his base out is because they feel like he is attacked unfairly.

This is just going to energize the sanders base.

This also exposes Warrens lack of political awareness.

Warren is doing this because she wants to be president, not because she wants to be the fucking Vice President.

I actually think Bernie is the favorite now. Game over assuming he doesn’t blow it at the debate.


This is the correct take.

Maybe not the game over part, he is just a slight favorite at this point.

Bernie is a full blown idealist. He doesn’t think like that, which is a big part of what I don’t like about him.

Hope you guys are right that this doesn’t hurt him.

So, so disappointed in Warren. I was big on her before the M4A debacle.


There’s absolutely zero percent chance Sanders would have said he didn’t think a woman could win. AT WORST, he might have expressed concerns that Trump would weaponize sexism against a woman, and Warren is twisting the meaning of his words.

This might blow your mind, but it’s possible Bernie has some private views and concerns.

What is sexist btw is the assumption that Warren must be lying (even though the story was sourced to four people in addition to her).

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So typical of a woman to do this too.


Even that is stretching his range to the breaking point. Realism isn’t what Bernie does. She’s literally just lying, and nothing short of audio would convince me otherwise.

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Probably right, but what is patently obvious is that the Warren campaign decided to attack Bernie like yesterday. Whatever Bernie said about this happened months ago. And it’s not at all a stretch to think that there are a lot of people conferring about when and how to launch this little Bernie attack.


Perhaps, but look at Bernie’s statement:

It is ludicrous to believe that at the same meeting where Elizabeth Warren told me she was going to run for president, I would tell her that a woman couldn’t win. It’s sad that, three weeks before the Iowa caucus and a year after that private conversation, staff who weren’t in the room are lying about what happened. What I did say that night was that Donald Trump is a sexist, a racist and a liar who would weaponize whatever he could. DoI believe a woman can win in 2020? Of course! After all, Hillary Clinton beat Donald Trump by 3 million votes in 2016

Nevermind that if she actually, you know, gave a fuck about the country but felt compelled to go negative as a Hail Mary she would be nuking Biden. This is disgraceful.


I lean towards she believes he said something like that, but it wasn’t really what he meant. In any event, going public with this is ridiculous and she KNOWS it hurts him and will be all they talk about tomorrow. Her actions directly benefit Biden and she knows that. That is why the blame for this is on her.

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There’s no way Bernie is a favorite to win the nomination. If he gets a plurality he’s less than 50/50 to get the nom. If he gets a majority it still isn’t a lock.

I know right, any time a woman says something bad about a man, I need nothing short of audio evidence either.


And everyone who thinks any man is more honest than any woman is a misogynist.


I agree, it’s a total disgrace that she’s trying to win an election.

You’re being more sexist here than I am. I’d greatly prefer president Warren to President Bernie. This just isn’t in Bernies range.