Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Warren’s people are waking up a giant they should have left alone.

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Man, on one hand I don’t want Warren’s very legit criticisms of other candidates (looking at you, Pete and Joe) to be dismissed as simply “attacking the front-runner.”

But on the other hand… damn, get 'em.

lol, Predictit already paid out my Yang money. Will be hysterical if he winds up being invited at the last minute.

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Well, terms said qualify not participate for the debate. Was the other way around last time, key difference.

Yang should definitely be on that stage, considering that Steyer/Klob will be up there. Bloomberg should be up there too honestly, as much as I hate to say it, since he’s polling at like 10%+ nationally. I’m not a fan of the early state criteria. Not difficult to imagine someone from Iowa/NH/SC/NV running for the Dem nom who would easily get 10% in their home state but might poll at <1% nationally. Also makes it easier for billionaires to get on stage, as they can simply pump money into one state and drown out all other ads.

So I guess the hounds have been released. Having seen what happened to Corbyn in the UK I can’t offer much in the way of hope for you guys, but what I will say is Bernie seems better equipped than JC was to fight back against the inevitable tidal wave.

Good luck, we’re all counting on you


Opinion: Jennifer Rubin is not worth one second of anyone’s time


The NeverTrumper true colors are showing.

Gotta love these entitled fucks practically demanding the Dem party run someone they can vote for or else they will vote for Trump. Fuuuuuhhhhhhhk you. If you‘re an informed, supposed intellectual and can’t vote for Bernie over Trump, you can go fuck yourself. You would sacrifice the rule of law and our democracy for policies that favor businesses over regular people, you’re a fucking fascist.


Seems like Warren really wants Biden to win. Sad.

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Well this probably fucks him. Tomorrow night’s going to be bad.

Hope it was worth it Liz.

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Is she lying?

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Wow fuck Warren

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Fully on the fuck warren train. Insane.

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That’s what bitches be doing.


this thread

When lovely woman stoops to folly,
And finds too late that men betray,
What charm can sooth her melancholy,
What art can wash her guilt away?

The only art her guilt to cover,
To hide her shame from every eye,
To give repentance to her lover,
And wring his bosom—is to die.


This isn’t going to play out well for Warren. This is strike three probably. I’m not a Sanders fan at all but this story isn’t believable. There’s no chance Sanders said this, and it’s going to backfire spectacularly.


It definitely helps Biden.

Not really. Warren imploding is going to help Pete and Bernie. Zero people currently with Bernie leave because Liz went after him.

Pete is yesterday’s news. Nothing is going to help him.