Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Like Trump this will only make him stronger.

I hope.


I’m not sure this is true, even if you limit it to the four main contenders, but I don’t have data. Wasn’t there a sentiment analysis or word-choice analysis on how the media covered various candidates? Thought I remembered seeing something here.

I don’t think the media went after Hillary harder than Trump in 2016–Trump was covered like the goon he is. It’s just that we remember the coverage of Hillary for how much bullshit got squeezed into it–her emails! Uranium one! BENGHAZIIIIII!

In 2016 and now, the broader issue is that the media is establishment-friendly and feels a need to ‘both sides’ things. When the two sides are Republican and Democrat rather than leftist and righty (rightist? wtf?), it’s easy to see how Bernie can still continue to get skewed coverage–both sides agree that Bernie is crazy and is a threat to the establishment, and media segments and articles that support this narrative will continue to get clicks and engagement.

If you’re smart enough to stop Democrat Trump, why didn’t you stop Trump Trump?



Where was all this outrage when the media turned on Warren and convinced everyone that a 3 year plan for M4A was less palatable than a fantasy world where we’d get it in 2021 without nuking the filibuster?


I don’t think it’s that they’re out to get him, they’d probably agree that that’s kinda beyond their power. But they clearly don’t like him and don’t want him as the nominee. If you can’t see the difference between his Reuters blurb and the one everyone else got in hokies post, then I can’t really help you.

There were quite a few posters here outraged about it. IIRC you were one of them.

As I said at the time I think there is zero chance that we pass a public option in 2021 and then turn around and have another vote and pass single payer in 2023, and that’s assuming we both win congress in 2020 and hold onto it in 2020. Doing this piecemeal is just a terrible strategy, and is basically equivalent to Pete or Biden’s plan in practice, in my opinion.


Are you confusing the media with this thread? Are you talking about Chapo Trap House or something and comparing it to the NYT and CNN?

It’s not equivalent because the public option she proposes gives free healthcare to like half of Americans with subsidies for most of the remainder.

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The version of “there’s always a tweet” from Bernie.


God the debate tomorrow is gonna the moderator trying to prod Liz and Bernie into a fight.


Is that supposed to be bad? Obviously it’s not, especially the Amazon part. I hope and expect that he boycotts Amazon.


Imagine spending four years on a journalism degree to learn how to write this trash.


It seemed like the only reason the question was even asked was to GOTCHA Bernie on buying things from Amazon.


Which is really just the “I am very smart” comic in journalist form.


“Some fucking guy that had a heart attack and lost in 2016 but is trying again. We won’t mention the times Biden ran and lost”.

I’m sure moderator Wolf Blitzer will save the debate from being terrible.