Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?



I have this image of Hillary Clinton cackling in some dark room as these new articles pop up every hour like some sort of super villain.

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This is so obviously calculated it disgusts me. Finally pushing me over the edge to never click a cnn link again.

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Oh, I don’t know. Maybe the route of latching on to a bullshit story that is designed to drive a wedge through the progressive wing of the party? And for the record, I certainly am not Bernie or bust. He’s miles ahead of any other candidate but I’ll be pulling the lever for whoever gets the Dem nomination.

they are running wild out here

I have a very very hard time believing that bernie sanders of all people ever said anything even close to the words “a woman cannot win the presidency”.


Literally the only reason he ran in 2016 is because Warren wouldn’t.


Meaning the same people that brought you Liz’s successful HLS professor application.

If Trump taught us anything it’s that you don’t need to play along with these legacy media turds who, in Bernies case (and Trumps) obviously hate you. I genuinely think Bernie should stop participating in these thinly veiled ambushes.

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Dems eating their own

This is how Reuters describes the current top tier of Democratic candidates. Gee, one of these doesn’t quite strike the same tone as the others:

Biden, the early Democratic front-runner in opinion polls, entered the race in April, opening his campaign with a swipe at Trump. Biden, 77, served eight years as President Barack Obama’s vice president and 36 years in the U.S. Senate.

He stands at the center of the Democratic debate over whether the party’s standard-bearer should be a veteran politician or a newcomer, and whether a liberal or a moderate has a better chance of defeating Trump.

Biden, who frequently notes his “Middle-Class Joe” nickname, touts his working-class roots and ability to work in a bipartisan way.

Some fellow Democrats have criticized him for his role in passing tough-on-crime legislation in the 1990s.

Trump’s request that Ukraine’s president investigate Biden and his son Hunter Biden is at the center of the Democratic-led impeachment of the president.

The 70-year-old U.S. senator from Massachusetts is a leader of the party’s liberals and a fierce critic of Wall Street. She was instrumental in creating the federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau after the 2008 financial crisis.

Her campaign has surged in recent months, equaling Biden in some polls. She has focused her campaign on a populist anti-corruption message, promising to fight what she calls a rigged system that favors the wealthy.

She has released an array of policy proposals on everything from a Medicare For All healthcare plan to breaking up big tech companies to implementing a wealth tax on the richest Americans. Warren has sworn off political fundraising events to back her campaign.

The U.S. senator from Vermont lost the Democratic nomination in 2016 to Hillary Clinton but is trying again. For the 2020 race, Sanders, 78, is fighting to stand out in a field of liberals running on issues he brought into the Democratic Party mainstream four years ago.

Sanders suffered a heart attack while campaigning in Nevada in October, but there has been little impact so far on his support. His proposals include free tuition at public colleges, a $15-an-hour minimum wage and universal healthcare. He benefits from strong name recognition and an unmatched network of small-dollar donors.

The 37-year-old former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, emerged from virtual anonymity to become one of the party’s brightest stars, building momentum with young voters. A Harvard University graduate and Rhodes scholar, he speaks seven languages conversationally and served in Afghanistan with the U.S. Navy Reserve.

He touts himself as representing a new generation of leadership needed to combat Trump. Buttigieg would be the first openly gay presidential nominee of a major American political party.

Recent polls in Iowa and New Hampshire, which hold the first nominating contests in February, have at or near the top even though his national standing is lower.

I am now mentally preparing myself for this next debate to be a Tonya Harding-style pipe aimed at the knees of the Sanders campaign.


On the plus side, Bernie is really good at responding to this garbage. He’s had plenty of practice.


Biden, the early Democratic front-runner in opinion polls, entered the race in April, opening his campaign with a swipe at Trump. Biden, 77, served eight years as President Barack Obama’s vice president and 36 years in the U.S. Senate.

He stands at the center of the Democratic debate over whether the party’s standard-bearer should be a veteran politician or a newcomer, and whether a liberal or a moderate has a better chance of defeating Trump.

Biden, who frequently notes his “Middle-Class Joe” nickname, touts his working-class roots and ability to work in a bipartisan way.

Some fellow Democrats have criticized him for his role in passing tough-on-crime legislation in the 1990s.

Trump’s request that Ukraine’s president investigate Biden and his son Hunter Biden is at the center of the Democratic-led impeachment of the president.

The 70-year-old U.S. senator from Massachusetts is a leader of the party’s liberals and a fierce critic of Wall Street. She was instrumental in creating the federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau after the 2008 financial crisis.

Her campaign has surged in recent months, equaling Biden in some polls. She has focused her campaign on a populist anti-corruption message, promising to fight what she calls a rigged system that favors the wealthy.

She has released an array of policy proposals on everything from a Medicare For All healthcare plan to breaking up big tech companies to implementing a wealth tax on the richest Americans. Warren has sworn off political fundraising events to back her campaign.

Some fucking guy.

The 37-year-old former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, emerged from virtual anonymity to become one of the party’s brightest stars, building momentum with young voters. A Harvard University graduate and Rhodes scholar, he speaks seven languages conversationally and served in Afghanistan with the U.S. Navy Reserve.

He touts himself as representing a new generation of leadership needed to combat Trump. Buttigieg would be the first openly gay presidential nominee of a major American political party.

Recent polls in Iowa and New Hampshire, which hold the first nominating contests in February, have at or near the top even though his national standing is lower.


“Some fucking guy that had a heart attack”


I’m always amused at the narrative here the media is out to get Bernie when they’ve done so little to actually go after him and he’s certainly been the least attacked candidate so far.

Sure, now that they realize he seriously has a chance they might actually do something we’ll see.

They went after Hillary far worse than Trump in 16 so the thought process that they’re all on the stablishment dem side narrative is unreal to me.

They’re just anti front runner more than anything.