Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

I’d say it will help voters get tired of the stories but we saw how ridiculously effective “but her emails!” was 4 years ago so who knows.

I don’t think “but her emails” changed anything.

Nah. All that matters is winning Iowa, which Bernie is in great shape to do. It’s kind of a bubble, and I wouldn’t expect some dumb national news story, especially as dumb as the ones we’ve seen, to really pierce it. Plus Bernie has sick money to counter message.


So? I never said people didn’t hear about it.

So you’re wrong. Here’s some more.

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Sure would be a shame if someone leaked a similar training script for Trump campaign volunteers :thinking:

Dude if Bernie were to somehow get a majority of delegates prepare for two things to happen:

  1. They will try to fuck him at the convention.

  2. If he somehow overcame that and was the nominee, Bloomberg or some other idiot is absolutely going to run third party and try to destroy him.

Point is–he’s going to get slammed for the rest of this race, even if he becomes a clear leader. Kind of inevitable.

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They don’t care that much about M4A and Bernie just flat out is not that radical. It’s about the (I) in front of his name. And even though people like AOC are well to the left of the Democratic Party, they won’t work against her because of that, it’ll be because of stuff like supporting people who primary party members and not paying her dues to the Party. That’s what they care about and they are just a bunch of Lindsey Grahams pandering to, but not necessarily serving, a different constituency.

I agree and it’s depressing AF.

Generally agree, but iirc Bloomberg specifically said he’d support Bernie and Warren and would continue to use his money to help get them elected. Hope he sticks with that.

The lying-through-her-goddamn-teeth route, FFS.


That was comforting as he was definitely the most likely to run third party, though he’d pull from Trump voters as well. Steyer would pull fewer Trump voters, but I don’t think he’ll run. None of the DemEs will run third party. So, it’s more likely some never Trumper like Evan McMullin thinks he can pull some Dems away from Bernie, but ends up pulling more Republicans in.

But I certainly wouldn’t bet even money on Bernie both getting the most votes in the primaries and then managing to make it out of the other side of the convention.


KK: I hope you don’t mind if I ask you a couple of more personal questions. Can you give us an example of one person who’s broken your heart?

[AFTER A LONG PAUSE] What, on a personal level?

KK : Yeah.


I won’t. Even candidates for president of the United States have a limited amount of privacy.

“It was really interesting the way he didn’t answer that question,” one board member said afterward in deliberations. “It was such a human response, and I think an older candidate will have the courage to do that, but it’ll be interesting to see if other candidates, particularly younger, ones feel like they’re forced to answer”

CW : Are you an Amazon Prime member?

Pardon me?

CW : Are you an Amazon Prime member?



Preach brother.


Now if DeVito says he can beat tRUmp, we got nothing to worry about.

But can he beat the media machine and the DNC while he’s at it?


If you’re able to look past the terrible questions / outright Republican talking points (it’s the NYT editorial board, ffs), Bernie actually gives some pretty good responses in here.

Bernie at 2nd in the Monmouth poll. This poll has been bad for Bernie all cycle (showing him in 3rd place in NH just last week). Apparently the demographic breakdown of this poll matches 2016 fairly closely.

Candidates are not eligible for convention delegates unless they reach a 15% viability threshold at individual caucus sites. Only four candidates currently exhibit statewide support at this level. When likely caucusgoers are asked to choose from among these four names only, the race is very close with Biden at 28%, Buttigieg at 25%, Sanders at 24%, and Warren at 16%.

“Studies show you have one of the worst records in terms of bipartisan deal making…”



The hit pieces are rolling out like rapid fire.

At this point, this is a lock to be a big talking point at the next debate. Hopefully Bernie can squash it.