Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

A president with a sense of humor?

The horror!


Not a great look from Liz, you’d have to say.

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And, of course, the headline is technically correct but horribly misleading because our media is complicit. Yes, Warren is “disappointed”–so congrats, you’ve reported a true fact. That the source of her disappointment is a complete fabrication is never mentioned.

Journalistic malpractice.

Related, this is a real headline at WaPo:

It’s Bernie’s moment. But it’s Bloomberg’s race.

Yes, that’s right folks. Bernie is having a moment, but everyone else around him fading just means that Bloomberg is the true savior we need and is certainly the candidate to beat Trump. How will he save us, you ask? Why, by being rich and spending money! Hooray, that’s definitely what we need more of in politics.

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This is the most insane news story. Like, the “trashing” his volunteers did, even if we take the debunked script at face value, was to point out that Bernie brings in people who don’t normally vote Dem, and Liz doesn’t. The scandal!!


lol Soledad

But bigger lolLiz. So on brand for her to do anything to get ahead.

Lmao heard about this huge scandal on NPR this morning smh. Its hilarious to see them reach so hard.

Cory Booker is out per WaPo

Down to 12 (really 8). Booker could still make a go at another run down the line or be a VP candidate.

It’s actually kind of fascinating to see the tides turn in real time as they all realize Bernie is surging. That this is their best attack strategy is hopefully telling that they really don’t have much to hit him with. Disappointed in Liz for going this route.


I wonder who Booker will endorse. He may just stay out of it for awhile.

Seems like a Liz endorser.

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Probably the most likely. Either her or Pete.

I’d rather see him endorse Liz than Pete, and think that’s more likely given their relationship as Senators but idk.

Even better would be not endorsing anyone.

Liz made a massive, fatal strategic error on health care. She shot to the top of the polls on the strength of her unapologetic progressive message, then inexplicably wavered on nuking insurance companies and went full GOPete in a series of subsequent faceplants. She has nobody to blame but herself.


Here’s an actual question to Bernie from a NYT Editorial Board member:

Going what route? Her campaign staffers sending an extremely mild fundraising email off a national news story? Sad fo see what is “disappointing” to Team Bernie or Bust.

It’s phenomenal that the “attack” isn’t even an attack. It’s not like it’s disingenuous either. Warren gets “she’s my second choice” and no one else gets that. Jesus, if the Warren campaign were saying “ok, Bernie is our second choice, but we think Warren will do better” would anyone complain? Obviously not. Really really obvious. Which is why it’s also obvious that these criticisms are in bad faith.


I have this feeling Bernie has peaked a couple weeks early. I hope that is wrong but 3 straight weeks of ridiculous negative press is not going to help.