Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

He’s the only one offering concrete single payer healthcare to the ~60 million people that need it. I think it’s very privileged to be able to vote for anyone else as someone who is very thankful to live in a country with single payer. Warren, Castro, Booker and the ones making an effort to help people beyond the 1% arent getting vitriol in the same way.

The people who are most angry about “toxicity” are the well off people who before twitter were completely insulated from people who would tell them they were full of shit.

Sky was warned about the photo…

On 2p2 maybe, but we’re all cool. Also, she’s a skydiving gun slinging motocross badass.

No, specifically Bloomberg. With the caveat that your democracy’s not looking great either way, but if Bloomberg’s the nominee, it’s an incumbent billionaire vs a billionaire candidate. Who do you think’s running next time? A poor person?

Bloomberg winning the nomination marks the total capture of the executive branch of government by the ultra-wealthy. If it’s a good idea to clearly separate that idea from support for Sanders, so be it. It’s something that should be saleable to most Dem primary voters, I’d think.

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She would win most dance off’s :dancer:

If it’s just Bloomberg, then why is it ok to harass and attack a Buttigieg supporter?

This is literally the same argument that concern trolls were making about Trump in 16. It’s a joke.

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I didn’t say it was (I mentioned Bloomberg because you were talking about Bloomberg).

The part about not being sure it’s even a real thing applies to the rest just fine, though.

Some people attack a lot. I’ve been attacked a ton by HRC supporters.


How is pointing out that the candidate they support sucks, even if it’s done over and over again, harassment in the context of a political message board?


He also literally just can’t win. Huge chunks of the dem base just aren’t going to show up if he’s the nominee. If beating trump was a priority, you’d be doing everything possible to make sure Buttigieg wasn’t the nominee.

I also don’t know how else to convince people that their views are garbage other than just telling them that they have garbage views. It’s not just a difference of opinion when we’re talking about healthcare, people are literally supporting a system that treats people much worse and costs much more, it’s insanity.


How? Just…how does this happen?

Anyways, having intense support is a good thing. It means that other candidates can’t take his supporters for granted if they are the nominee, so Sanders gets his overall goal of moving Democrats leftward.

literally no one says that

To be clear, I prefer respectful conversation, whether in person or online. I don’t have a Twitter or any social media, so I’m not feeding into the toxicity. I hope most of my posts here are reasonable, though that body of work does include calling jman an “enemy of the people,” which I am OK with given the topic of conversation.

I’m just getting more and more annoyed as this “toxic Bernie bro” narrative continues to grow and is becoming more and more weaponized/mainstream. It’s bullshit and it ultimately doesn’t fucking matter at all, it’s just a convenient excuse for people who don’t want to debate on substance.

I also think the level of passion is absolutely necessary to form a strong political movement, which is the ultimate goal right?


Redacted for privacy.

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I prefer to think of @skydiver8 as what I like to call a future former Pete supporter.

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I’m pretty sure she has this thread on mute, so it’s a little rude to tag her, imo.

Does that mean she can’t see it? I was pretty confident she’d like that post lol… For those who don’t know, I’m biting a Pete stump speech line.

Hmm yeah this is def a problem, although I guess the governor (a dem) would appoint a replacement who would then have to run in 2022 (the next congressional election)? I assume Feingold probably gets appointed in that scenario, and he lost the last 2 races to Ron Johnson (including in 2016) , welp.