Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

I’m posting from IOS and it’s a bitch and it does a lot of incorrect autocorrecting.

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I believe he was trying to channel MLK’s critique of the ‘white moderate’ and being ‘against’ civil rights in that regard.


Right, but the difference between being for MLK at the time and against MLK at the time is not the same as being for Bernie Sanders, and for Pete Buttigieg. It’s more like the difference between being a stronger supporter of Malcom X than MLK.

How many is a lot to you? And how do you get to that number for “loud angry assholes”? Is it all just feelz based off twitter comments?

My only experience with a large number of Bernie supporters is this forum. So, yes, it’s anecdotal, and before I saw that Bloomberg ad I might have been inclined to believe it was just this forum, but the fact that that ad mirrors exactl what I’ve found on this tiny little microcosm of the internet sort of makes me feel like my anecdotal experience is more widespread than that…

Just took a quick look into it and Wisconsin is one of the 5 states that don’t have an interim replacement appointed by the governor. Just a special election 2-3 months later.

Makes it even worse to sacrifice that seat.

Bernie has a movement that is a major threat to the current political and socioeconomic landscape and their rulers. Also the views of many in our own party (as evidenced by this thread over the last 30 hours) are reprehensible and are being rightfully called out by those mean Bernie supporters. It seems some people even here are falling for the propaganda being put out by the machine he is fighting against.

In my mind the people with the reprehensible views are the problem. Not the people notifying them of it but what do I know.

Also candidates like Pete are absolutely the enemy. He is willing to put his own desire for power over the well being of millions. He is just trying to be the next in a long line of corporate stooges who speak in platitudes while allowing corporate America to rape and pillage the working class. It’s absolutely sick and if he is as educated as he pretends to be he should know that.


Look, fat, you should just vote for someone else*.

The story that BernieBros are toxic and driving away voters is mostly manufactured bullshit in an attempt to reach that exact goal. In this race you have candidates who aggressively attack people who don’t support them (see first sentence), and candidates who genuinely don’t give a shit about the people whose votes they are trying to earn. Then you have Bernie, who not only disavows such attacks, which is even highlighted in Bloomers ad, but also genuinely cares about the well being of every day people.

Anybody who uses the “Bernie’s supporters are mean therefore I will vote for someone else” line is lying to themselves. It’s their way out. A justification to support the centrist/Republican without feeling as guilty for supporting an inferior candidate.

*don’t actually. We are happy to have you as part of this movement. Not me. Us.


Ahh so you take the Bloomberg ad at face value because of your anecdotal evidence from here eyeroll. Some of the people used in that ad weren’t even Bernie supporters, some were just people calling someone stupid, some weren’t even mean. Of course there’s going to be a lot of mad people in society and some will take it out on others by yelling on the internet but thinking this is an issue in the slightest especially for a presidential election is fucking stupid. Bernie has even spoken out against bad behavior.

The dems should not allow someone like Bloomberg to even run as a dem candidate let alone listen to his bullshit about civility politics.

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If Bernie really wants to hit back, he should come out and say “if Mike Bloomberg is the Democratic nominee, I will run third party.” Argue that he’s not reneging on his earlier commitments to not run third party because Bloomberg is actually a Republican (and make sure to point out Bloomberg’s racism and sexism). Watching the ‘electability’ morons flip a shit once they realize that would make Bloomberg unelectable would be incredible theater, and would hopefully cause Bloomberg’s support to take a hit (and solidify Bernie as the anti-rich candidate).

I agree it isn’t a perfect comparison, but if you believe healthcare is a basic right I think it’s pretty close.

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Just come out with it as his opening statement of the next debate, even better if Bloomberg isn’t even on stage:

“I am up here today running for president because I believe in the power of the many, not the few. I believe in the power of the working people, not the rich. Elections and presidencies are not things that should be bought through wealth. And I don’t think replacing one racist, sexist New York billionaire with another is going to fix the problems with this country. Therefore, I am making a commitment to the American people that if Michael Bloomberg, a Republican, buys the Democratic party’s nomination, I will run as a third party candidate. The people deserve a voice. Not me. Us.”

Imagine the fucking lawnmowers.



gets me every time. :ok_hand:


I disagree that the bolded is correct.

You are talking about skydiver who has drawn ire for her drive-by propaganda posting. She regularly dodges tough questions about Buttigieg, for example what she thinks about his made-up African-American endorsements. I am not surprised people here do not have patience for this.


She’s also received lots of praise for her commitment to her candidate and the political process. From toxic leftists, even.


Let me stop you right there, lol.

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Y’all seem mad. Get on the Klobuchar bandwagon, and let her go on vicious tirades on your behalf. If Bloomberg or another enemy of the people needs a stapler thrown at their head, she’s got both the practice and the youthful vigor to do the job! The worst Bernie’s going to do is get his followers to drag you on Twitter!


Joe Schmo ain’t on twitter. He’s certainly not on the super online media ecosystem twitter. The Bernie Bros are Omar. All’s fair if you’re in the game but you shouldn’t put your gun on no civilian. A poster must have a code.


dude, you either back the bern or you’re a disgusting abortion of a human. there is no in between here.


There seem to be a lot more voters who deeply identify with their chosen candidate on a personal level and view rejection of that candidate as personal rejection.

I’m skeptical of candidates who don’t seem to form that level of personal connection with supporters. So, I think it is a good sign if a candidate inspires some supporters to go overboard.

I take a different tack here than I would in the wild. People here are high-information voters who have mostly made up their mind. I’m not trying to sway them the way I would regular people who need to be educated before they can be persuaded. I view verbally sparring with a supporter of a rival candidate in the same way that I view verbally sparring with a knowledgeable supporter of a sports team that is a rival to one that I root for. This place is an opportunity to say what I really think, when I am not trying to persuade anyone.

That being said, I tend to view Trump as a short-term thing and the establishment politics that have enabled him as the long-term enemy because that is what brought us to the point where Trump is possible. If Trump died tomorrow, the work doesn’t change. So, I disagree with people who say that beating Trump is the priority. Defeating the system is the priority. Is Bloomberg better than Trump? Is Bloomberg just a puppet master no longer satisfied with pulling strings? I consider Republicans mostly fungible at this point, so if Bloomberg is really a Republican trying to buy the Democratic nomination, then he’s really not better than Trump. In the long run, kids in cages is a superficial issue and the philosophical justifications for governance are much more important.