Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

I think there was another poll somewhere that also had Steyer at the top and Biden as #2. Steyer has dumped a ton of money into Nevada. I guess we’ll see how much that buys.

Ugh I really hope we haven’t reached the point where Steyer was able to buy Nevada that easily. Would be a terrible sign for our democracy and our ability to fade Bloomberg.

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Holy fucking shit I take back my Bloom>Trump take.

Lol, that ad isn’t wrong. Like he could literally have just replaced what he had on there with quotes from this forum for the same effect.

Bloomberg is explicitly running against Sanders.

Of course the ad is wrong and the type of person who works for Bloomberg, never mind himself is so removed from reality.

Of course it’s wrong. He’s trying to make the message “don’t vote for Bernie because some people on the internet said mean things,” which is completely stupid and irrelevant. He’s trying to use a bunch of bullshit pearl-clutching to convince the CIVILITY! crowd that supporting a self-serving billionaire is the right thing to do. That’s wrong.


I’m not saying it correctly lays out bloomberg as the correct alternative, but it’s not wrong that the “you’re with Bernie or your the enemy of the fucking people” take is really toxic, and it seems pretty widespread amongst a lot of his supporters.

Right, it’s wrong that you should vote for Bloomberg because of this. It’s not wrong that the attitude, amongst many on this forum, and in his movement in general, is really fucking toxic and is going to turn off people and could be responsible for what makes him lose in the end.

You can’t whine that the same attacks used on Trump are being used on Bloomberg. He has earned them.

Campaigning on this forum or in Bloomberg’s ads against tweets by randoms is fucking idiotic. And it shows Bernie saying the opposite? As if to say “I’m a shallow idiot. I’m Mike Bloomberg.” Form over substance. I’m not vulgar! I’m high class! Vote for me!


Counterpoint: it’s a bullshit narrative with no basis in the real world, and just serves as an excuse for people to feel better about themselves by pretending that they AKSHULLY have the moral high ground, ignoring the fact that the object of their support has contributed to the shithole mess that this country has become and has zero plans to correct any of the issues plaguing the average person.


Look at the replies. The poll only had 13% of respondents under 40 and was 68% white. It’s not based on the actual demographics.

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Yeah, I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about the attacks on people who have a difference of opinion from Bernie and support another candidate, not the attacks on the candidates themselves. Like, holy shit, look how you guys treat that one poster here who is volunteering for Buttigieg. It’s black and white thinking, it’s toxic, and it doesn’t help the cause.

Explicitly and entirely. He’s not even running to win. He would have saved his money if Bernie weren’t running.

Concern trolling about the ‘toxicity’ of online Bernie Bros is such transparent bullshit that it’s frustrating to see otherwise intelligent people amplifying it as a legitimate reason to vote for a non-Bernie candidate. What is more morally repugnant, saying nasty things to oligarchs or preventing people from having access to fucking healthcare?


It. Is. Not. About. Saying. Nasty. Things. To. Candidates. It. is. about. acting. like. assholes. to. people. who. support. those. candidates. or. In any way disagree with them.


It’s a narrative of its own now, it’s entirely divorced from reality. You’ll be hearing about toxic online Bernie Bros and their Twitter Mafia thuggery for a couple of years no matter what anyone does. I’ve never even seen any actual data on the subject, though, and I’ve seen plenty of viciousness from centrists. Maybe one side just complains more.

As for Bloomberg, if he wins the nomination, isn’t that effectively it for your democracy? Isn’t that a pretty good reason to express disapproval of supporting him? Is it a good idea to hobble the expression of that disapproval by assuming collective responsibility for every jackass on twitter?

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But it’s just a classic tactic used by power against those fighting power. “I agree with your goals but not your means of achieving them” is as American as apple pie and has been the backbone of resistance against progress in basically every movement this country has ever encountered. It is incredibly frustrating to see it being successfully weaponized once again–aren’t we supposed to be smarter than that?


Yeah. My Econ bro friend legit thinks Bernie is the worst candidate in the field not named Trump. He has no intent of understanding most of his policies and just uses the mean Bernie Bros narrative to disregard everything.

For example yesterday he went through every possible mental gymnastics exercise to defend the Nigerian Pete supporter. He defended every single angle and every possible justification as to why it couldn’t possibly be true it was a sock puppet. However, he knows for a fact that Bernie’s policies are all 100% trash and won’t ever work because the economy and mean Bernie Bros.

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Is it your position that if the candidate is literally anyone other than Bernie, then that is the end of democracy? This isn’t just about Bloomberg. I found that ad funny because it showcases exactly what we’ve been arguing about on this very forum. The behavior by a vocal majority here towards anyone who so much as disagrees with Bernie. Again, I give the example of that poster (I forget his name), who is actively volunteering for Buttigieg right now. That is a guy that has done more this election cycle than most on this forum to try to actively unseat Trump by supporting another candidate, and the vitriol directed at him has been ridiculous.

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