Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Man, you know what would make the caucus easier? Having everyone fill out a paper ballot to rank their candidate choices, not just the people at early voting sites.

It’s what my mom wants, and what shes asked of me, and she’s probably got a few years to live.

We had no relationship prior to her asking, and I still despise him. But I’m civil for her/

Read this post then about 15 mins later got an email asking me to project manage designing/building some online voting software. It’s only for the elections of some professional body, not, you know, actual democracy, but if I do it and it works, maybe I can sort this mess out!

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Yeah, but you’re still wrong. Drunk drivers are often just lazy assholes who don’t want to have to deal with the hassle of coming back to the bar/restaurant/whatever the next day to get their car after they’ve slept it off. This is true even if there’s fucking free shuttle service home.


John Oliver was back in form last night. He took a dump on Pete’s healthcare plan


Ok? Nowhere in this thread have I advocated against increasing public transit. LIke, that would be great, absolutely we should improve our infrastructure. And sure, better public transit I’m sure reduces the total incidence of drunk driving, I never said it doesn’t. But there is still that subset of drunk driver asshole who’s going to do it anyway. An dI’m sorry, but you do need to punish them, to deter them.

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holy shit i’m offline for two days…

Corporate media loves him!!

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Gallup stuff


Lots to hate in that, but particularly annoyed by only 69% of Dems being willing to vote for an atheist vs 88% willing to vote for a Muslim. Struggling to find a word to articulate my feelings so I’ll just go with “virtue signaling.”

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77% of dems willing to vote for an evangelical christian seems way too high. Unless what I think of when I think of evangelicals is way different than what most people think.

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Jimmy Carter was an Evangelical Christian. Probably a lot of that 77% are Evangelical Christians themselves.

The problem with the poll is Bayesian. I’d be unlikely to vote for an evangelical, but only because it’s extremely unlikely I would find one with policy positions I support. If you stipulate good policy positions as a prior, then sure. Same for everything on that list.

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Good point, and tbh I’m not sure those circles would overlap at all. In fact, even if someone who self-identified as evangelical ran on a platform of all the things I love, I don’t think I’d trust them.

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Except being too old or too inexperienced.

Most of the pundits aren’t buying this poll, but what in the everloving fuck?