Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

If you’re not familiar with Mehdi, dude is hyper elite.


A lot of Latinos in the US don’t speak Spanish and some get offended if you just assume they do. I thought of that because if you went to AIPAC and spoke Hebrew most of the people there wouldn’t understand you.

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Anyone who’s not on team full legalization* is just frustratingly obtuse or something. It’s just damn obvious.

*No, not the children you jackass.

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Pete’s language function must have misfired.

I have heard the whole 7 languages thing is a wild exaggeration and he’s nowhere near fluent in some of them.

Pete’s Parseltongue is excellent, though.


I am on team full legalization, because the downsides are so awful(mostly unnecessary criminal convictions and all their latent effects on employment, housing, and other prospects).

I think marijuana is still an interesting substance, and needs to be studied more closely. The upside is an open question and there may be more downsides than we know of now.

He’s also quite fluent in lobbyist double-talk


I mean lost in this whole whether or not medical marijuana is abused is the fact we shouldn’t give a fuck and definitely the government shouldn’t. Stanning for Bloomberg’s take that medical mj is abused is a horrible take. People shouldn’t be incarcerated for using or cultivating marijuana. It is entirely safe. Not to mention lots of people do get medical benefit out of it and to get medical marijuana it has to get prescribed by a doctor.

If your argument is that we should ban all things prescribed by a doctor and abused that eliminates a huge amount of prescription drugs. And yet I don’t see anyone here arguing against medical marijuana saying that.

Not to mention the history of marijuana laws in this country are about as racist as possible. Which is exactly why Bloomberg has to make ridiculous arguments to support his stance. The fact a couple of you guys are doing it is shocking to me tbh.


You’re not quite right.

Medical marijuana is not prescribed. It is authorized for use. The “doctors” that authorize its use often do so without knowing whether applicants have existing substance abuse issues. Essentially, all someone has to say to get a card is “My back hurts a lot.” Thousands do. Many suffer as a result.

No doubt lots of people get cards who are purely recreational users. One pothead I know thinks it cures essentially everything and I’m sure he’s not the only one.

Doesn’t mean I’d restrict promotion, at least not anymore than other drugs/medicines.

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This is the key. Is marijuana preferable to other drugs. This is where Hobbes is really the only person that can opine with any merit here. Or other MDs, medical researchers, etc.

Dude I have a card. I had to go to a doctor who then recommended me for acceptance into the state wide program. Without that I can’t get a card. That in essence is a prescription for 2 years. I have to go back to the doctor in 2 years to renew my card.

Your posting reads like someone who has no experience with marijuana. I know zero people who have used it that have any concern about it.

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I work in an area in which thousands of people procure cards in harmful ways. You seem like someone that is ignorant of that world. Probably class privileged and insulated.

How in the world can you procure a harmful legal way to obtain marijuana? It isn’t hard at all to get illegally. So how does getting a card that allows you not to get locked up harm you?

Also who cares if some people get cards to use recreationally? Who does it harm? No one?

Based on what you are saying you aren’t for legal pot which is just a tragically stupid take in 2020.

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Considering how little research has been done into MM and how many stans it has, I’m sure at least a quarter of the medical benefit is a placebo effect.



It’s not rare at all for long time mj users to have problems and struggle with quitting and feel better when they do. I don’t think “mj is harmless” is the best argument. Freedom and the harmful effects of criminalization are.


You seem mad. I’m not coming for your guns. I think sensible gun control legislation makes sense.

I clearly already indicated I support marijuana legalization. I think it is foolish to blindly support its use and propagation without reservations based upon what I’ve read and studied and observed.

You support marijuana legalization but not a system where you obtain it after being screened by a doctor. What system do you suggest?