Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

I have wondered if we could pick up THC at the store and take it to relax like a “chill pill” would we view it differently as society?

Would the affects we get from it differ if it was viewed liked that?

So if it helps me live longer and generally feel better by drinking less in your mind there is no medical benefit? Also way to completely ignore the rest of my post.


One negative side effect of marijuana I don’t see talked about much is that it makes my posting quality drop down several levels.

My like/post ratio would probably be double if I posted sober.


People who are super anxious, or in chronic physical pain, are going to medicate. Period. And it’s rational.

Sending them to a doctor to get highly addictive drugs (benzodiazepines, opiates) is an absolute train wreck. Once physical dependence kicks in, which only takes a few months, it can get very bleak very fast. Obviously marijuana is unhealthy but I’ll take it over potentially fatal physical drug dependence.


What sort of tax is levied on, say, a household making like, $45k in Bernie’s bill? $100k?

The largest tenant at Republic’s building here is a coalition of local governments, who lease a bit less than half of the space. But there was one other tenant who caught my eye at the same address


is registered: Mylan Pharmaceuticals.

Mylan is that company! (Apparently this is some sort of slogan of theirs.) A pharmaceutical concern w/US headquarters in PA, but with offices in Morgantown, West Virginia. Its current CEO is West Virginia native Heather Bresch. Heather Bresch is WV Senator Joe Manchin’s daughter.


All this time I’d been putting Swedes in my soups when I could have just used a turnip instead.

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Not sure if this is the most up to date tool, but gives you a rough breakdown of Bernie’s effective tax rates.

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I think “Some Black” was the first message in Chsrlotte’s Web


Thanks. Seems pretty reasonable. The breakeven point for married filing jointly and spending the average of $2639 on health care per annum (seems low, especially if one considers one’s employer’s contribution to the health care premiums to be part of their spending) is about $90k, which is a pretty fair spot to flip the switch between paying more vs. paying less.


Mylan is also a comic book villain of a company even by Pharma standards. They do exactly no innovating at all, their entire business is buying generics with one producer and jacking up the price, and slightly modifying existing drugs to extend the patents. They are an absolutely evil organization made possible only by naked corruption and greed.


I agree that seems like a fair flipping point, and that $2,639 seems way too low for the average current healthcare expense. It’s significantly higher for me and many people I know.

Medical marijuana, while having some utility for some people, is also widely abused by others. Like a ton of medicines, it has significant side effects and I believe they’re not well known. I’d be curious if they were the best medicine to take for anxiety and/or pain; of course they’re better than benzos or hard opiates. My understanding is that marijuana is a good appetite stimulant. I’m guessing there are better drugs for anxiety and pain that most legit doctors would prefer before marijuana.

Hobbes is probably the best person to elaborate.


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Seriously fuck everything about that guy

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Won’t someone think of the drug dealers? Is how that reads. JFC go away Munchkin Trump

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Amy and Pete are going to have a hard time getting any of Bernies Hispanic support with shit like this


How do the dems not understand that speaking bad spanish at latinos is not at all endearing and just comes off as cringe pandering? They dont give a fuck about whether or not a candidate can speak spanish they care about actual issues. Its like if they went to AIPAC and tried to speak Hebrew


I’m watching Joy Reid (shiver) only to see Mehdi Hasan style on this bloomberg surrogate (Tim O’Brien). Dude just said “you can’t criticize Bloomberg for being a flawed, you and I are flawed humans but we haven’t accomplished as much as Mike has”

Apparently sexual harassment claims should be evaluated on a per-dollar-earned basis.