Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

I have receipts including daughters at Bernie rallies in 2015/16.

micros daughter go on Chapo


I had an in at the stadium where Bernie held his rally so I got to get right up front.

I stood in the back with the plebs.

You don’t know how to win at this.



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@bro - that’s a good idea. You should look into it.

Stop trying to silence strong female voices bro

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This was always the thing to me about Clintonites poisoning the '16 primary. Does the party deserve to win if they are not willing to reform themselves? Let’s hope that Bloomberg gtfo’s after he gets massacred in this primary season. The republicans are sure to vote rank and file and we cannot afford a 3rd candidate in this election.

Strongly recommend reading this thread.


When Never Trumpers tried to stop Florida Man, it was because he was mean. They didn’t actually disagree with him on any major policy matters.

Establishment Democrats, in contrast, vehemently oppose Bernie on policy but have this pesky, unavoidable problem that his policy proposals are wildly popular.


I mean the only logical conclusion you can draw to a campaign like Pete’s is that he cares more about money and donor access than actually winning. A campaign like his is entirely fake as he chose all of his policy positions for a calculated reason, not because that’s what he believes.

If his goal was to win he would have picked the actual popular positions with the voters. Instead he picked all policy positions that are what his corporate masters want. I’m not sure you could see it any other way and there is zero chance that’s a coincidence.


Agree, and since actual voters aren’t going to elect him to anything, look for a Paul Ryan career of do nothing board gigs after he flames out.

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Bloomberg claims:

1)Medicinal marijuana is a hoax and there isno medicinal benefit.
2)Weed is too strong these days (I agree with him here only in the sense that pot is stronger and if you want to smoke a nice joint these days you better prepare to be high af or smoke it over three sittings which is annoying).
3)Drug dealers are struggling out there because of medical marijuana and are having to resort to dealing heroin to make ends meet now that pot is legal.

Yes that’s really what he said. It’s hard to get that out of touch. For those of you worrying about this guy read the article and you will feel better. These quotes are from Friday.

I’m 0% surprised these Boomers who have a lot of blood on their hands because of MJ criminalization are having a hard time accepting facts. Biden helped push a crime bill through that stole millions of years of people’s lives for dealing MJ and Bloomberg presided over a police state crack down that prosecuted god knows how many low level MJ offenders.

For them to accept that they were wrong about MJ would involve a significant amount of guilt and psychological pain. Easier for them to just double down and find ways to justify themselves.

Part of me thinks it’s despicable (and that part of me is like 85% of me and has definitively won the contest) and part of me wonders what how I’d mentally handle it if I’d ever done anything as bad as this one thing they did. I hope I wouldn’t try to figure out how to justify it to myself to the point where I tried to keep offending, but I suspect that’s not something you learn until you’re in that spot. I hope I never am.


I’m not sure if policy is the main reason for establishment Dems to dislike candidates such as Sanders and Warren. I think a bigger concern for eDems is that the candidates they fear won’t reward establishment grifters and will look outside of retreads from previous Democratic administrations for political appointments.

Sad to report Douthat has written a good column

It could just be a more simple explanation that Boomer era Dems are mentally scarred by McGovern losing 49 states to Nixon and view any sort of New Left or true progressive candidate with a feeling of 1972 deja vu.

I have no idea if many of McGovern’s policy proposals were as popular in his day as Bernie’s are today or if those feelings are valid, but I do think the warning from Hillary comes from this fear and not cynicism.

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Ok, boomer.

Strongly disagree. I have personally been prescribed benzos for anxiety that I no longer have to take because I can substitute mj. I also use it as a better and healthier way to unwind than alcohol. I would argue that is a medical usage as well but you may disagree. In short the quality of my life has been dramatically improved by access to high quality medical mj.

Anecdotally I know many people who use it for pain instead of opiates, sleeping instead of ambien, etc. I am sure there are people who get a card when they don’t need it but most people using it are using it for s legit reason other than to get fucked up. And even if they are so what. Most users arent 17 year old skateboarders at this point…

Of course it should just be generally legal so there’s that.