Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

lol those results. that gif is perfect. fuck old people.

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Not really surprising, Bernie got crushed there by a historically unappealing Hilldawg in 2016

ok forget everything i’ve ever said up to this point about burying people underneath gulags


36 I believe? Iirc it’s called lyin’ Liz or something along those lines. Brace absolutely kills me and Liz’s weird speaking cadence is really adorable :heart_eyes:

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Daily reminder that all of Bloomberg’s support is fake. He’s got literally no shot unless he starts offering citizens 1k per vote. Which he could easily do. Fuck.

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Exactly the kind of mature, nuanced understanding of things I’d expect from this person. I hope her children just tell her to fuck off after getting their student debt forgiven by Bernie.

I’m at the point where I don’t think negative ads work anymore.

The Republican who invented stop-n-frisk is of course going to be a smash hit in the South, not sure why Nate is confused here.

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Yeah fully expecting Bloomberg to take down Florida.

Florida doesn’t vote until March 17.

The narrative will have completely changed several times by then.

Trump is really unpopular, so he would probably lose against most democratic candidates.



The danger of a Bloomberg win is that it will reinforce the concept that both parties are the same, that it doesn’t matter who has power - the government will not do anything to address wealth disparity, so why participate in the process.

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I thought southern rural folk were all about the constitution? I guess that’s only when it comes to 2A and not 4A

I had a teacher posit an interesting point about why people (in this case women) will seemingly vote against their own interest a times. Sure, equal rights and fuck sexism and all, but at the end of the day, they are less likely to give up even a small amount of status for a gain in women’s rights. That was his theory anyway and it made sense at the time the way he put it. It went for women, blacks, the religious, etc.

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Bloomberg taking Florida after Biden takes SC completely dicks over the establishment Dems.

Except they all end up being delegates who won’t vote for Bernie in the second round at the convention.

It’s not just that. I know we say that Trump isn’t an aberration, and w/r/t policy, that’s right. But in terms of systemic corruption, he is. The way we used to do corruption here was at arms length - - the wealthy buy the politicians who will set the policies that will make them richer. Using political office for shift money to your friends’ businesses is corrupt, but using it to shift money to your own business is a much older and much more problematic type of corruption. Its medieval and third world type shit.
Bloomberg winning as a Democrat makes this the new normal, and we’re right back to fucking feudalism.


To win decisively and prevent a 2000 redux or other fuckery, we need to see turnout exceed 2016 by some margin. I’d like to see numbers higher than both Obama’s wins myself, I just don’t see that happening unless the Dems nominate someone who excites the working class, somebody they feel will look out for their interests not that of multinational conglomerates and their executives.

Bloomberg is not that guy.