Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Bernie is gonna be at the Tacoma Dome on Monday. Think I might go. It’s pretty far though (>1hr public transit from Seattle area). Tacoma Dome seats 20k+ afaik.




Getting a foreign company to give your kid a no-show job or a lobbying gig after leaving office are not the same kind of thing as having a hotel to funnel bribed through. Overthrowing countries and installing oil executives in government to give your donors billions in business is not thd same as doing it to give you personally billions in business. The second kind of corruption is orders of magnitude more corrosive to a society.

Wtf is a no-show gig? Is that being put on the payroll even though you don’t show up? I assumed that’s what it was but in the Sopranos the guys all hung out at the site.

That’s a no-work job. A no-show job you don’t even have to be there. A no-show job is what Tony and the other bosses get.


Agreed. We’re about to see which theory of democracy is more correct here. Bernie is relying on an enthusiastic grassroots social networking volunteer sort of model, Bloomberg on ad buys and paying professionals. I know which I hope works but honestly I’m not sure.

Patsy = no work job
Chris = no show job


If that’s how cabinets are picked why are you still derping up the House, Kev?

Yeah it’s that but if you’re connected enough it’s being appointed to the board and if you don’t attend a meeting very often or ever at all :man_shrugging:

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One of the things I remember from reading Devil’s Bargain ( is that Bannon was watching some particular counties in Florida very carefully. It turns out that, due to pretty common retirement trends from the Midwest to Florida, certain retirement-heavy Florida counties were almost perfect predictors of how the Midwest states would vote. (Kind of like Nate Silver using correlations across states/districts in simulating voting results.)

So depending on what counties are driving these particular Florida polling results, they could be very informative about Midwestern preferences.

Oh no! Not intelligent women of color. The horror of smart, young people helping shape policy for future generations. What we need is more out of touch old white people ruining everything.


Nevada is basically same rules as Iowa right? We really need Pete or Amy or both to get closer to 15.

Alternatively, Warren’s people can go to them second choice rather than Biden. That actually seems more likely.

You can only defer to someone with over 15% i believe, could be wrong. Actually that’s probably wrong. I think i’m mixing primary and caucus rules into one thing.

Bloomberg 1/12 - 6th (I think) day in a row with improving odds. No majority ( for the first time) the favorite at 2/5. Sanders at 1/3, Biden (allegedly) next at 1/8.

Current this am at 538, depending on how accurate they are, or are not, I suppose.



That’s promising. Implies that Bernie’s support isn’t capped and that it could get above 50%, especially since his toughest competitors are also floundering and could drop. Hopefully his delegate count can get close to that.


Maybe, but name recognition’s probably a big factor in those results. Would you vote for Bernie Sanders who you probably remember liking, or would you prefer this lady you never heard of with a weird name?

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