Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

One thing we haven’t discussed much is that there are really a few scenarios where Bernie has 40%, and he doesn’t get screwed in all of them. Let’s say it’s like 40-30-30, and each candidate has won ~15 states… he may get screwed, but it would be chaos and a bad sign for unification either way as the party would clearly be divided no matter who won.

But if it’s like 40-25-15-scraps, it’s much harder to screw him… and it could also be 40-30-30 where Bernie has won like 40 states, and they’re going to have a tough time screwing him in that scenario too. So that’s key as well. If Bernie doesn’t get a huge delegate margin he needs to win a lot of states.

If Bernie has plurality and isn’t the nominee, does anyone seriously think Trump would have any chance of losing? Seems like a complete punt. I guess the Dems would just be conceding they want Trump at that point.


I mean it seems like party suicide if they don’t give Bernie the nominee at that point

(oh you sweet summer child)

But if the elites in the party all get paid from corporate America (and they do) then accepting President Bernie is career/gravy train suicide

Are you kidding? Of course, they prefer Trump over Bernie ainec. They voted to pass his budget including a $780B spending bill for the military as they were impeaching him. Don’t for a second be fooled into thinking Pelosi, Schumer, give a damn about curbing military spending or M4A. They throw us a few bones -Oh yeah, equal rights and climate change don’t ya know…- but they don’t give a shit about anything but lining their own pockets. It’s why Trump won. He was right about the swamp. And I’ll go one step further than you by saying I think he’ll be guaranteed a 2nd term if we put up another neocon establishment Dem (but I’ll still vote for them if they win the nom without rigging)

I haven’t been around a lot lately. Are most of us in agreement that these caucuses and super delegate bullshit is nonsense?


I generally get the concept of why a caucus can be good, especially early in the process, but it’s 2020 and we should move on to electronic ranked choice voting already. Super delegates are nonsense, and after the clusterfuck that was Iowa, you wouldn’t hear a complaint from me if we ended all caucuses.

I assume I’m in a pretty small minority that thinks a caucus is a decent concept in early states with a big field, but don’t confuse my like of the concept with approval of the actual way they’re run.

The answer to this question is, yes. I know and talk to them every day. Even some progressives feel like we couldn’t possibly get enough of the old white male vote to beat Trump as they would never in a million years vote for a democratic socialist

I mean, they could be right… It depends on how many younger people actually get out and vote

If I understand it correctly he doesn’t even need to be superdelegated. First of all, he’ll be lucky to get any superdelegates. But, also, in the second vote, other people’s pledged delegates get to switch to whoever they want. Bernie may get some of Warren’s, but he’ll be lucky to get any of anyone else’s. No conspiracy. No obvious heavy hand from the DNC. Just the independent actions of thousands of delegates, all of whom except maybe Bernie’s are solid democratic party members. (Superdelegates are 16% of round 2)

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Every fucking democrat gets portrayed as a socialist babykiller by the right, no matter how center or left they are

Understood. But there is a demographic of independents, center, right leaning, and even all out conservatives who voted for Trump and are now very disappointed upon realizing they elected a moron. Those are the people they’re worried about

Don’t forget opium addict

I’m curious if Unstuck people would vote for Bloomberg over Trump. I’ve been thinking about this a lot. Bloomberg seems like a smarter and richer version of Trump. With that much money and that much power, he could arguably do a lot more damage to our country than Trump. You think people in Congress get bought out now, wait til they’re getting bought out by literally the President. It’s the devil you don’t know vs the devil you know. I guess either way we’re fucked.

Honestly hoping I’m wrong about this and you all will tell me I’m being sensationalist and Bloomberg would be fine and better than Trump

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I would vote for Bloomberg over Trump, but I’d be terrified. I think a Trump second term is just 100% leading us to one-party rule by a fascist regime. Bloomberg is unlikely to rip families apart and put kids in cages. That said, the amount of power he could seize is also tremendous and there’s no reason to think he wouldn’t consider it. He’s bought his way to where he is, he’s got more money than anyone could ever even imagine ways to spend… so he’s using it to buy power. Seems naive to think he’ll get that much power and decide it’s enough when he accumulated a $60 billion fortune.

Yeah, it’s a tough choice. You’re going to hope that Bloomberg is basically going to be a benevolent ruler and possibly allow things to settle down back to the way things were before Trump - if he chose to do so, he could position himself as the savior of politics as we know it in the US (whatever that might mean)
Trump - he’s a complete fucking idiot, but he might blow up the world.


When we are actually at the point of

for fuck sake

Bloom v Trump being a reality

(Bern save us?)

I can’t help but post this video another time

god fucking damn it

That video used to scare the shit out of me, as more and more of it would come to fruition. It doesn’t scare me much anymore, for there’s not much left to fear… It’s already here.

Yeah this has been my take since the Iowa caucus. Bernie has the win locked up pretty much. His supporters including us just need to push hard as hell so he’s much harder to ratfuck. And I also agree that it’s unlikely they ratfuck him really badly because it will end their cushy jobs faster than Bernie getting elected.

If they ratfuck Bernie where Bernie in that scenario where it’s 40% 30% 15% 10% etc then Trump absolutely steam rolls and more heads will roll than if they simply let Bernie win.

Bernie winning won’t be the end of the democratic establishment, they can promise their donors none of his campaign finance shit will pass or his tax cuts etc. But if they get steamrolled by Trump after ratfucking Bernie voters will be absolutely pissed and the progressive takeover will happen much faster than just letting Bernie win and trying to compromise with the progressive base.

Hell they can hope Bernie loses the general and actually solidify their dominant position over progressives saying they can’t win general elections etc.

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Sorry for the off topic post. I used to be a fan of king but there’s a lot of smoke around him. He’s come under fire for exploiting the families of black people that were murdered. There were a couple of people who came out and said he posted about their family member being murdered without permission for media attention and to raise money that he didn’t even give them. Many activists think he’s just a clout chaser and doing this for money. He’s also done a couple of very scam like fundraising things, my favorite was when he raised money so he could climb 7 mountains or some shit and then after raising money said he can’t do it because he broke his toe or some dumb shit.

Also his handling of the murder of 7 year old Jazmine Barnes was suspect, tweet thread below.