Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Mini Mike comes up short against Trump even in sexual harassment cases. Sad!

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Absurd. It’s OK to disagree about which candidate is the most liberal. I vehemently disagree with @boredsocial 's support of Yang for Yang’s genunflecting towards grifters like Dr. Oz and his singular focus on UBI as a solution to things like climate change (even if do appreciate him shifting the Overton window on UBI and having a different perspective). The post deserves disagreement, not censorship.


It’s probably less than what Trumps numbers are and slightly less serious, who knows really as Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself.

But seriously having cover from a person like Mike done more damage than Trump done, it’s documented and peeps have I think went to jail over their rape of women that worked for companies associated with BmBerg.

I’m I between whether he burning money or a serious threat, I mean I’ve just watched 2 of the most obvious humans without morals enter 2 of the most powerful positions on earth, but whatever, I’m just a stoop kid.

If he gets a few select peeps on his side it’s over… Let’s see if he does, because there’s no stopping BmBerg if he wants it. Imo.

I seriously think his play is throw money at it and see, then run his own candidate after Trump.

Btw this wasn’t a dig at you, Cuse, I actually do agree. Part of that Simpsons joke is that if you don’t want to sell out your message you can just make it vague and borderline nonsensical. Obviously “twirling towards freedom” is hyperextreme but who wouldn’t want to twirl towards freedom?

The problem I see iis that Bernie might already be maxed out in this regard. “Dumbed down” isn’t exactly accurate but much of the classic broad leftist/socialist/marxist rhetoric has been removed and though this doesn’t alienate me and I approve of the strategy, it does make me wonder how much further it can be stretched.

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Ok. Pretty misleading tweet there by Shaun King.

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No, that’s just a dumb post.

Most of the cases are things he said and he’s settled most of them before court.

People who flag posts have, let’s just say, issues.

Bloomberg is basically a less handsy Biden. I don’t like him, wouldn’t let him watch my kids.

Trump is a child molester rapist.

King is really pissing me off. I know he came under a lot of fire for The North Star and other issues (he has a long-standing feud with Deray), but I have stuck by him.

He’s a huge Bernie stan and generally does a great job supporting him, but he had a number of disingenuous posts and he is quite willing to present one-sided information that distorts facts and ignores context. Sadly, this is probably politically wise.

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Ok that’s a solid burn but nah, Boredsocial is legit. The interesting part is it seems he was right about Yang bringing people into the fold but wrong about keeping them there.

Guys relax, Bernie’s got this. It took me awhile to get there but I can see it now and he’s got this.

Warren’s candidacy is dead. Joe! is a laughingstock. Amy and Pete have zero Hispanic or African American support and are going to get crushed in the south. Bloomberg won’t be able to stand up to the light of actual candidate status and will fold just like Biden did under scrutiny. No one has actually voted for him yet. Bernie meanwhile is going to keep racking up Ws!

Its time to welcome people aboard! Talk to your friends, talk to you family, talk to your neighbors. Bernie’s got this and it’s time to get on board with the movement.


I’m going to believe that Bloomberg is folding once his polling numbers start going down.
538 bumped him up fifth day in a row after starting at zero, now at 1/15 - and he hasn’t even flexed his wallet a bit.

Mostly, though I enjoy him fucking with Trump - for this reason alone I want him around for a while.


Honestly polls seem to be meaningless garbage at this point. Biden was polling great and then votes started being cast. I think a significant chunk of poll respondents are just trolling at this point. It doesn’t speak well for our citizenry but it is what it is.

I’ll believe there is actual support for Bloomberg when I see votes cast for him. Anecdotally, even the people working for his campaign think it’s a joke.


They’re not trolling, they are woefully uninformed. We have primary voters who have not heard of Bernie Sanders. They make their decision by the hour based on whim and other things superficial or nonsensical. So when they get a call they’re just scrambling to pick out a face from their addled brains. Papa Joe is the likeliest to be there but Bloomberg will come on strong thanks to commercials.


No, I figured the clip was what it ended up being - I’m not a big Simpsons fan and I was at the poker table in a tournament so I hadn’t watched yet. They took care of me in short order this evening (QQ < AQ aipf, AA < KK aipf, KK < AA aipf, KK < AQ aipf gjge me), so I’m back home and just watched.

I was mostly being sarcastic about the stupidity of the average Yang → Trump voter, but if Bernie added some Yang-like not left, not right, forward happy go lucky mumbo jumbo into his debate/stump speech, he might actually pick some of them up.

I’m starting to feel this way, too. Most of us knew Biden was a garbage candidate ~forever ago, right? He kept polling well and we were like uggggggh, but a lot of us were also pointing out that ~nobody was really watching the debates yet. Well, what do you know? He flops as people start to pay attention.

OK, well Bloomberg is going to be the same. Right now what does the average respondent in a poll likely know about him?

  1. He was the mayor of NYC
  2. (maybe) He’s a rich businessman
  3. (maybe) He’s running a lot of ads and seems to be cool with Obama

Well, that’s great, but no matter how much money he spends putting out ideas like that, he’s in some ways a slightly less shitty candidate than Biden, in some ways a lot shittier, and it’s all going to come out when people pay attention and the other candidates attack him.

  1. He’s a billionaire former Republican who has donated more than $17M to Republicans since 2012. He spent $11.7M on Pat Toomey’s re-election campaign in 2016.
  2. He’s the architect of stop and frisk, and has defended it with racist comments.
  3. He’s defended redlining.
  4. He’s on tape saying tax cuts for corporations are good, tax cuts for individuals are bad.

I don’t think he can spend his way out of that hole in the Democratic primary.

Biden can’t win white moderates, Bloomberg won’t be able to win minorities or anyone remotely left of center who pays attention, Buttigieg can’t win minorities, Warren is on her last gasps, and I think Klobuchar is a bad candidate.

The only question is whether or not he can win enough states and/or delegates to avoid losing it at the convention.

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These are nice thoughts and all, but you’re neglecting to consider a contested convention. If I understand it correctly, you need a majority of delegates going in. So if Bernie has 40% and 2nd gets 30% the establishment Dems will probably super delegate him and I swear to god…

I’ve been “vote blue no matter who” throughout and am willing to support whoever gets the most popular votes even if it’s fucking Biden or Pete. But if they screw Bernie again, someone’s going to have to talk me out of staying home because at that point I’ll have lost all faith in our democracy, so who even gives a shit?

Let me write another ad for Bernie, or anyone else in the face:

Pennsylvania senator Pat Toomey is a big fan of Donald Trump. He voted to acquit Trump in his impeachment trial. He supports his racist and unconstitutional Muslim ban.

He voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act and cut Medicaid, trying to take away healthcare from millions of Americans.

Toomey even voted to let terrorists on the no-fly list buy guns.

So how did such a right-wing extremist win a swing state like Pennsylvania by a narrow 2-percent?

With the help of former Republican Michael Bloomberg, who gave him a whopping $12 million dollars. Now Bloomberg’s running for president as a Democrat? Sorry, Mike. You can change your party registration and buy your way onto the debate stage, but you can’t fool us… You’re no Democrat.


If the Democratic establishment screws Bernie in the convention after he gets a clear plurality of delegates then it is because they actually prefer Trump to Bernie. Because it would ensure a Trump victory. Don’t think it will happen but who knows. There’s no way that Bernie will endorse and campaign for the Democratic nominee if they ratfuck him. And he shouldn’t.