Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Yea, agree. I’m not gonna blame him for them, just gonna lament that he couldn’t blue-pill more and hope he stays vocal to keep his on-the-fence supporters engaged. If he decides to go silent rather than, say, endorsing a candidate like Bernard Sanders, I reserve the right to get pissed at him for abandoning a push to the left.

Now, if he does something batshit crazy like endorse Bloomberg, I retract every nice thing I’ve ever said about him…

Yeah, this is a good post. To all the folks Loling at the DNC for bending the rules to allow Bloomer, he got to where he is by uncontested ads. Let’s see him catch some heat. Also, he’s got over two more weeks before he can win anything, while Bernie can likely get two more wins under his belt.

Say what you will about yang but he’s smart enough to know that his most vocal supporters are not on board with Bernie.

That’s exactly as likely as Bloomberg coming out for UBI lol

This is probably true. Hopefully.

Even if this post is flat wrong, I like to lol at the notion of flagging it for moderation.


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Maybe so, but why should he care now? He seems like a one-trick pony that already took his shot. If he really cares about making change and not just becoming president for personal ambition, he should speak up and try to pull his supporters as left as he can.

So Bloomberg is a racist, a sexual predator, neo-con finance-bro. He’s the smart and capable version of Trump that we’ve been afraid of.


Well I can see how Trump voters loved him.

If he was smart and capable, he’d double down on the racism and run as a Republican. Stop pretending all these megarich dickheads are competent, he’s running a vanity campaign and setting hundreds of millions on fire.

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First they came for my oversized sodas…

Le’me guess he’s said the minimum wage equates to soviet Communism?

Well he’s more capable than Trump. Outdid Trump in money and sexual harassment!


As much as some people want to paint this place as a liberal echo chamber, the far and away most prolific poster here is dedicated to concern trolling and gaslighting leftists. So if you were to ask “what is the function of this site” in order to determine what it actually does, the objective answer is this: to present supporters of the candidate who is guaranteed to receive a plurality of votes with an unending stream of negative propaganda. I didn’t report that post but whoever did was perfectly justified in doing so.


Precisely why he shoulda run as a Republican.

Trump has been credibly accused of rape at least twice that I know of. Bloomberg doesn’t win on this front.

64 women? I certainly wouldn’t assume that.

Bloomberg isn’t personally accused of harassing 64. The lawsuits are against his companies. The articles don’t mention any assault allegations against Bloomberg, just very sexist comments (which of course Trump also made).