Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Was listening to some trueanon backlog today and they mentioned something that makes perfect sense. Putting workers on the board ie Liz’s plan is completely pointless without simultaneous bottom up mobilization. If you want to get your neolib hate on its a great listen.

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weird poll, lol at Warren still being in the race



max boooooooot

Sanders carries decades of ideological baggage, having in the past praised Communist regimes and joined a socialist party that took Iran’s side during the Iranian hostage crisis. Sanders’ Democratic opponents haven’t exploited this record because they are terrified of offending Sanders’s supporters. You can bet that Trump won’t have any such reticence. He is champing at the bit to run against “Crazy Bernie.” His supporters in South Carolina are even helping Sanders in that state’s Democratic primary. Perhaps Trump’s confidence is unjustified, as Matt Lewis argues in the Daily Beast. But given the terrible track record of far-left candidates in the 2018 midterm election and in the recent British election (Jeremy Corbyn lost in a landslide), it’s a risk we cannot afford to run.

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Ok, so, um, considering I just made a 1000 word post detailing some of my political views, revealing I’m not actually that crazy about bloody revolution and draconian suppression, maybe the following will be granted some artistic and poetic license.

Bury these idiotic wastes of life underneath the gulag:

Even with license that’s a bit overboard but jfc wtf:

Maybe Bernie should start saying “Not left, not right, forward to a political revolution but mostly just not left or right and bringing unity to America but also fuck the billionaires, but in a very gentle, unifying way… Forward.”


Yea, fuck these people. I assume they are a tiny minority who wouldn’t be worth the effort to capture, and I have no interest in catering to their fucking fantasy worlds.

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I like it. It’s a new and improved “twirling towards freedom” for these current times.


Yang had a LOT of Republican supporters. He’s absolutely incredible at selling them. It’s why he would have rolled Trump in the general.

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Well, maybe not lol. Shame he couldn’t have sold them on true progressive ideas.

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I’m not sure how to respond to that. His platform was pretty progressive. You seem to think that getting voters to eat their broccoli is a thing. It isn’t.

Was watching how Bloomberg bought NYC and it seems he at it again with all the staff buys in the political world.


Which one is BoredSocial?


Nah it was just a snarky remark. I’m sure he converted plenty of supporters to consider progressive ideas, just not those asshats in the texts above. If even just a few of his Republican supporters are now Former Republicans, he helped. Would be nice if they stuck around the Dem primary to support Bernie, obv.

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It’s not bad on its face, but bear in mind that MAGA is fundamentally backwards. Forwards means shit like black people having rights and trans people being tolerated.

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Yeah some of them just liked him. Blaming him for them is like blaming Bernie for victoar if he refused to vote for the nominee if he doesn’t get the nomination.

I was saying back on the old site that yang was the candidate for people who would never, ever vote dem in the general. There are a few yang gangers who will migrate to a dem candidate but the online contingent will overwhelmingly go for trump now.

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