Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Much like how I optimistically think capitalism can work, it just needs to be vigilantly guard-railed - I feel the same about public sector unions.

California has had a lot of reforms, many of them stemming directly from work by places like the LA Times calling out ridiculous abuses of the system.

Plenty of smaller public sector unions aren’t abusing the system.



I like how the opiner correctly acknowledges the existence of multiple forms of capitalism while at the same time ignorantly acting like socialism is only one specific thing.

Loaded terms that immediately reveal the source is probably clueless/FOS:

“Socialism” used as a pejorative
“Do your own research/I did my own research”
“I’m a classical liberal”

What else am I forgetting?

Anyone who uses the term “leftist” is betraying which media sources they tune into. It’s used almost exclusively by the Limbaugh types.

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Can never be posted too much



Lol. Real or fake?


The problem with that “evidence” is anyone can place a craigslist ad and then screenshot it.

Somebody could make one for Trump soliciting an erotic foot massage but it is meaningless.


True. Email response makes it seem more legitimate though. Or at very dedicated troll. Probably a very dedicated troll as any campaign would be stupid if they did this

holy shit @ bloomberg. i guess i’ve had my head in the sand about his chances. i still think he’ll flame out, but that’s a great number.

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He’ll lose the battle, but win the war. He’s campaigning to beat Bernie, not to win.

New Bernie ad. Clearly this is coming down to a Bernie v Bloomberg race


Comparing themselves to Columbus in Ferdinand and Isabella’s court is an all-time classic, not least because Columbus was a fucking dumbass that people were exactly correct to laugh at.

You don’t even have to do that if you know a little HTML.

Also a sex trafficker, genocidal murderer and slaver.


WTF Bloomberg is really going to purchase the nomination, huh? GOPete must be pissed.

I can dig it, has real raw energy that is impossible to manufacture.

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What a JAQoff

I think Bloomberg is polling high right now because he’s a “generic democrat” with decent name recognition because it’s getting shouted in your ear every 10 minutes. Get this mother fucker out on the debate stage getting trashed by the other candidates. Start running some negative ads against him. His record is so toxic that he should be easy pickings for a competent campaign to knock him down a peg.