Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Getting warmer. And what does a VP do anyway?

Because I don’t have Facebook :upside_down_face:

If Buttgieg wins the nomination, we’ll find out real early if he’s gonna win. Trump will start calling him by all sorts of names (Butt-edge, Boot-edge-edge, Booty-edge etc) to get under his skin. At that point, he’ll either insult him back or ignore it. Both are the wrong way to go.

To me, he has to lean into the Booty-edge image. Get the backup dancers from “Anaconda” to dance at your stump speeches. Get Sir Mix-A-Lot to perform at the DNC. Get Kim Kardashian and Nicki Minaj to phone bank for you. Write the Urban Dictionary definition for Booty edge as that weird crease porn stars get under their buttocks after butt implants. Becoming the Booty man will completely neutralize any attack on his name.


Michelle Obama?

GOPete is not worth discussing. He is going to get sub-10% in the south. He’s a dead man walking.


This has already been focused grouped to death. Boot-Edge-Edge!

The 0.01% chance that he takes my advice when he gets called Booty-edge is enough for me to not completely lose hope. I’ll only lose 99.99% of it.

When has the truth mattered to Trump? It sure ain’t gonna stop Trump from calling him Pete Booty-edge. Booty-edge is gonna stick because once Trump gets a laugh out of it he’s gonna hammer it constantly until everybody thinks that’s the correct pronunciation. You know, repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth.

She would be great, but I think Michelle Obama is satisfied where she is. I’m thinking Oprah Winfrey. There’s no rule that says she needs to retain the office after being elected. If this is about getting Trump out of office, maybe the route to success is to flood the market with ads and bring in a popular celebrity. The gloves need to come off totally. This is the country we’re fighting for.

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So, why do we need government unions?

Ironically the idea of Oprah as VP has been floated once before, 20 years ago.

Trump focused his campaign on the issues of fair trade, eliminating the national debt, and achieving universal healthcare as outlined in the campaign companion piece The America We Deserve , released in January 2000. He named media proprietor Oprah Winfrey as his ideal running mate and said he would instantly marry his girlfriend, Melania Knauss, to make her First Lady. Critics questioned the seriousness of Trump’s campaign and speculated that it was a tactic to strengthen his brand and sell books.

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Bloomberg has taken over every single meme page on insta. Must have cost millions.

Because the government (which is often controlled by business - especially at the local level) can be shitty employer too.

Like I said in another post, I think it’s a corrupt system where a government union can influence who becomes an elected official, who end up being the ones paying them. Seems broken to me. Private sector unions are fine and necessary to me but I’m not sold on government ones.

4-day workweek - the plan neither side’s elites want us even thinking about.


Maybe her time has come. Something big needs to happen IMO.

I’m late but my three guesses were going to be The Rock, Oprah and Michelle Obama. Oprah would probably be GTO if we’re in the Bloomberg v Trump hellscape.

If McCain played along with that Town Hall woman’s fears and didn’t flat out deny Obama was a Muslim - maybe 2012 is a different outcome. That seems to be the lesson Rs have taken away.


Liking them or not is one thing. I don’t like stuff about unions either. Like they make it very hard on newbs in some unions and hard to get into some trades.

Whether or not they should have a right to exist is another thing.

Unions lobbying the government is a separate issue, or at least I think it should be treated in a separate way along with campaign financing in general.

Inflation is a broken metric for actual cost of living for a 79-year-old then.

Was Social Security always just “a little help”? You cannot possibly live cheaper than my Dad w/o living in a 12-person 2-bdrm flophouse and eating rice and beans for every meal. And he still comes up $600 short.

Man all I can say is it would be so, so funny if Bloomer melted down on his first debate stage and all of that money went to waste.