Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

My take is that Buttgieg is gonna lose because nobody can agree on how to pronounce his name.

Think about it. When was the last time the general public had difficulty pronouncing a president’s last name? All of them had simple, easy to pronounce last names. Pete doesn’t.

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Really loving the unity chant as they all boo this lady speaking probably the one true thing they will hear that night. Imagine how depraved of a human you would have to be to go to a Mike Bloomberg rally. What the fuck is wrong with people.

A million a day on Facebook ads is insane. Russia only spent like $100k for trump lol

I thought so too, but then I remember thinking no way we elect a guy named Barak Hussein Obama so wtf do I know.

At least, and I say this with the smallest nonzero amount of sincerity humanly possible, the Bloomberg ads that I’ve seen have been more Trump-focused than tearing down lefty causes. I bet $1M a day on Facebook attacking UHC would be enough to sink it as an option anytime in the near future.

In b4 someone tells me I’m wrong, that he has been attacking lefty causes, and that WAAF.

Are we ever getting Nevada polling?


Social Security is exactly indexed to inflation.

I feel like the entry that has Warren appealing to BernieBros is a little off. Her base is other law professors.

I can’t believe that many people came out for Bloomberg.

This could legit be part of it. The nominee should be spending out the ass on Facebook, IG, etc ads. The cost per person and targeting capabilities are unmatched. They should also have a social media outreach staff searching for posts on, say, insurance companies screwing people, so that they can reach out, offer their moral support, and suggest that they register to vote for Bernie. You could pay someone $10-15/hr to do that and probably reach out to and interact with 10 people per hour, converting say 2 to voters. And of course you can specifically target PA, MI, WI.

It’s the white hat version of Russian troll farms.

Hillary spent $9.46 per vote in 2016, Trump spent $5.32 per vote. There’s a formula to spend $7.50 per swing state vote. PLUS it’s going to have ripple effects on social media.

If he attacks lefty causes on FB and does it well, you won’t see it… DUCY? (This is part of the reason FB is such a powerful platform to advertise on.)

Bloomberg not only buying ads galore but also luring a lot of people to his campaign with nice salaries

Yeah but Obama is easy to pronounce. I had beginner level English students who could pronounce that name.

Bloomberg hiring everyone hurts Bernie the least.


I could see 2% of people going into the booth and not even knowing for sure who the Dem candidate is and going “buttiwhat? Nah”.

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I can see people making that decision before even going to the polls.

Guy would’ve been better using one of those porn name generator memes to get his politician name. Nobody’s gonna forget who Peter Balls is.

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I’m starting to think Bloomberg winning the Democratic nomination is a serious possibility. Money still talks. Unfortunately, the guy doesn’t exactly ooze charisma. So that’s a major problem. The other problem is that the Democratic Delegate count already seems to be divided into relatively tiny fractions and this will only increase when Bloomberg starts getting Delegates. And although money is essential, I think he needs something more…like naming a running mate early in the game. I have a name in mind, someone who’s not in politics, but could be if Bloomberg decides he needs a Hail Mary.

Meghan, Duchess of Sussex (nee Markle)?

Haha. No. But this can be guessed within 3 guesses tops.

I would think he would try to find a Black friend.