Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

What kind of car does her or her husband drive?




Omg she thinks she’s still in this thing.

The president of the American Medical Association (AMA) criticized “Medicare for All” as a “one-size-fits-all solution” on Wednesday, but acknowledged that some doctors, particularly younger ones, support the idea.

“We just don’t think a one-size-fits-all solution works,” Dr. Patrice Harris told The Hill when asked about a Medicare for All, single-payer system.

Unsurprising but surprising how close the vote yea

It’s funny because for the longest time I called myself a utopian socialist and technoprogressive but Boredsocial is arriving at the same practical questions, about if post-scarity is possible and if it is wondering what should we be thinking about, just from a different starting point. Because, saying we’ll always need unions is both an obvious practical truth and a scathing damnation of humanity as a whole.

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narrator: things got very very dystopian very quickly


Ever read Looking Backward by Edward Bellamy? Interesting how in order to imagine the utopian socialist society he basically had to have the mechanism for it be a black box. An interesting read, but I like the non-utopian, non-dystopian anarcho-socialist future in The Dispossessed by Ursela Le Guin a lot more.


A: Hey guys, I invented a robot that digs ditches!

B: Great, hire the former ditch diggers to help start building them! Hundreds, thousands! I want them going 24/7/365, ditches as far as the eye can see!

A: Um, I don’t think you understand how any of this wo-



I can’t find it, but David Graeber talks about how he studied small communities in Madagascar. The people did some repetitive work by hand to make a living. Some NGO introduced some labor saving device and told them they could make 5 times (or whatever) as much of it. But, they were just like, nah, we’ll just work 1/5th as much thanks.


I’m unfamiliar with the terminologies and have been back and forth on unions many times. I agree workers need to unionize to protect themselves from corporate greed. I want to say Bernie has a lot of unions backing him

But at heart, I think I’m still a free market capitalist, which sounds nuts given what an avid Bernie supporter I am. I just don’t think we can have a free market capitalism system right now (haven’t in quite a while) and it’s currently impossible given the current wealth disparity and corporate greed

Ideally, once we break up these mega corporations and monopolies that rig the game thru buying off politicians, smaller businesses will be able to compete again and it’s in their best interest to take care of their workers lest they lose their most valuable employees to competition

I never understood unions and why they need to be formed except to protect workers from large corporations that would make slaves out of them if left unchecked. I’m willing to be educated

Seems like you understand it.


I’m pretty sure one of the first conversations I had in 2p2Pol way, way back (at least a century in trump time) was about this (I’m sure we had it, not sure if it was just after I started posting there or a bit later).

Yeah, the ‘utopian’ part of utopian socialism was initially meant as a pejorative, coined by those filthy, filthy marxists. Super ironically, I’m far from the only person who was drawn to utopian socialism because of extreme pessimism. It’s not always an aversion to thinking about class struggle and revolution and a desire to only entertain fanciful ideas of science fiction utopias, rather, sometimes it’s thinking about it a lot and rejecting some marxist ideas and continuity for actually being the utopian flights of fancy (no utopian, no utopian, you’re the utopian!) .

Like, “You guys think this Rube Goldberg Revolution Machine is gonna hold true and all the moving parts will run fluidly? Really? Well, ok, godspeed. I’m your comrade but I’m not throwing away my rabbit’s foot just yet. That’s way too much optimism than I can afford concerning human mischief and wickedness.” Saying that the enemy behind the enemy behind the enemy is human nature is too pessimistic to even put in the fictional conjured quote.

Looking Backward is the granddaddy of the a-wizard-did-it works with the most famous probably being Star Trek and I’d argue even that trope is borne from the same brand of pessimism, in that the point A to point B specifics are glossed over because imagining humans not fucking it up, not having it all not go sideways at any of the infinite points, is incredible…

…So I went to walk the dog and finished the thread before finishing this post, and these two posts get to the heart of what was gonna be the end of that paragraph:

My favorite television moment of all time was Glenn Beck screeching about socialism, in regards to Obama of all people lol, and saying, “Everything I’m talking about is true, you can go down to the public library and see for yourself…”

Proto-socialists invented the public library, parody is dead, and even Orwell couldn’t have foreseen this shit, much less 19th century marxists or utopian socialists. I tempered my pessimism with practical technoprogressive ideas (as opposed to the futurists and even wackier transhumanists) of quasi-post-scarcity forcing a peaceful or violent revolution, but spelled out like that it’s not terribly optimistic. It’s saying that we can’t kill the Glenn Beck followers and similar types (wait can we kill them?) so we just have to literally screech back and fight and wait (hope?) for them to grasp, in a fundamental, global consciousness way, that Good Things Are Good despite how post-Idiocracy, post-Orwellian of a zeitgeist that Glenn Beck derp shows we actually are living through.

But that’s theory, not practice. In practice I’m easy, baby, and hella optimistic, like, you want to have your radical revolution, I’m down, you want me to be a filthy electoralist and vote for the center-left candidate, fuck it, I’m in. In theory though, and I avoid hammering this lest I influence someone’s nihilism because nihilism is not apolitical, it’s reactionary and right-wing, but, in theory I’m saying there ain’t no happy ending to any of this shit.

Also, lol,

We shoot for 2001: A Space Odyssey Star Child Beams Of Light and settle for Star Trek.

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Anybody ever read 2031:A Slimmer Smartphone With A Kinda Better Camera Odyssey?

lol there ain’t no happy ending to any of this shit


I live not only in Western Europe, but north-western Europe (the best Europe) with full-blown socialism and no rich people whatsoever. I can confirm that the streets are flowing with gold, the girls AND boys are all beautiful and willing and you can eat as much candy as you want without getting fat. You guys should definitely try it!


There’s our girl on Fox again