Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Let’s just shoot for Western Europe before we shoot for Star Trek future imo.

Sounds like Yang isn’t going to endorse anyone :frowning:

Boooo yang, boooo

It’s literally a republican talking point.

Poverty is not a lack of character, it’s a lack of money.

It’s a false dichotomy that it’s either UBI or UHC. We need both.

But from a pragmatic point of view the US has a better shot of passing UBI before single payer health care. We might get a watered down version of UHC before UBI though.

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Nobody’s saying they’re not going to do it. The are certain to. That’s why it’s going to take 20 years of consistent effort to get it done. Just like every other social program ever in this country has.

I couldn’t disagree more with the bolded. We already have single payer healthcare for seniors, the disabled, and poor people. We just need to expand the program.

I think you’re just lulled into a false sense of security because UBI currently some crossover across partisan lines, and as I’ve said - the forces that would line up against it aren’t taking it at all seriously right now.


My Dad lives about as cheaply has a single senior can live in this country. His rent is $350/month. Social Security still leaves him $600 short of his monthly needs.

Seniors vote in droves. How is it that we can’t get social security at least somewhat in line with inflation, but we’re going to start paying young healthy people $1000/month? Not only that - every administration usually talks about cutting back on SS. People have been cleverly duped into thinking SS might not even be there for them, and that’s somehow not a violence-inducing outrage.

Why is something like a reasonable SS cost-of-living increase, which seems like a no-brainer, apparently impossible? Yet the thing that sure seems like it would be infinitely harder to sell and pay for is somehow a good thing to occupy ourselves pushing for in the here and now?

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My self esteem just dropped.

I’m talking single payer UHC. I think we will have a public option before UBI.

I do agree with your final point about the propaganda machine not being against UBI yet though.

couldn’t UBI be implemented through some sort of tax credit/end of year bonus through the IRS (if you didn’t pay enough taxes to gain the credit). Could be more politically feasible, albeit much less helpful to poor people.

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I think you misunderstand where I stand on this, which, OK, my fault. The way you get anything like UBI instituted is by proselytising fir it and getting politicians elected who will do it. Same as anything else.
The reason we don’t have a sufficient safety net for olds (my mother is in a similar situation FWIW) or anybody else for that matter is because what I am suggesting needs to be done, the right have been doing effectively for 70 years. In the last 50 years there have been how many leftists in Congress? They are simply working the system better, and they have the natural advantage of having all the money.
Anyway, keep shifting the Overton window to the left and stuff will be possible, maybe in time for our own retirement.

I do agree with you 100% it’s not now at the stage where you can do it, even if it’s a good idea. It’s still worth having conversations about to normalize and mainstream the idea.


Devall Patrick out:

Bloomberg going to win south carolina with bottom tier 2+2 forum racist nonsense.

They never should’ve given you n* money!



Dude would fit right in over at the Mason Nazi forum and has half the DemE stanning for him, what a time to be alive.

Also holy shit he is legit super racist.

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She’s associated with the Center for American Progress because duh

Your pony failed to deliver

Step 1 - Copy Bernie’s homework
Step 2 - Try to show your work and get called on your bullshit and fail miserably
Step 3 - Desperation heel turn


I saw an Amy bumper sticker today.