Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Wendell Potter taking shots at Medicare For All Who Want It on twitter

Sorry to be unclear lol. What you mentioned is literally what I was thinking of when I said what you responded to.

The only way UBI could ever happen is if FoxNews et al somehow were for it.

Otherwise: “Look at this lazy minority getting the same stipend as you, a hardworking white person! But he pays nothing into the system. That doesn’t seem right.”

RIP UBI Jan 1, 2026 - Jan 2, 2026.


I’m generally pro union but the teacher’s union and especially the police union in california are complete disasters.



Yeah, but you don’t hear much like that about Medicare or public roads or the Fire Department or any program that is universal as opposed to welfare.

Eh…i think the charter schools may well have taken over without the teacher’s union and most schools would be shitholes in strip malls.

Police union does suck though. Unsurprisingly. Considering…

I agree. But, what it has morphed into is completely corrupt. I think the k-12 system in california is one of the most embarrassing things about the state, a state that simultaneously has one of the best higher education systems in the entire world. The teachers are way too powerful of a lobby and use their weight without abandon.

In general I think that any union that bargains with the government should not have a powerful hand in who gets elected - that’s a surefire way to have corruption.

There is always going to be right wing propaganda agsisnt anything that improves the material conditions of the majority of people. The endless “waaa, can’t do it because Fox” takes are bad and more importantly, are what they want you to feel. Every time you tell everybody how demoralising the power of the propaganda is you are doing their job. Stop carrying water for these fucking vultures. They need to be beaten back. Lamenting their power doesn’t diminish it.

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Fuck you

Maybe … this may come as a shock to some of you but hear me out … maybe voters are a bunch of idiots.


She is a terrible and 100% media driven candidate.

A little about Medicare. But obviously those things are different than writing someone a check for doing nothing.

I’m not even saying all right-wingers will be initially opposed. Obviously they get money too, which will appeal to some of them. But once FoxNews gets a hold of it and starts showing what those lazy minorities are spending their free money on…

Sure - except what I’m saying is 100% true and will happen whether we pretend it won’t or not.

FoxNews already has right-wingers virulently opposed to universal healthcare and free college - even though those would massively benefit most of them. Talk to a right winger about it some time. It will come down to a) can’t have UHC because we have black people (homogeneity) and b) can’t have free college because people (minorities) will just spend all day in class so they don’t have to work.

Literally if you draw them out those things come out. Every. Single. Time. It’s not what you say, it’s what they hear.

But you’re saying they can’t do it with free money? GMAFB

A big part of why UBI is interesting is it can also help the working poor. People who barely make enough to cover bills, and gotta make sacrifices so their kids can eat and shit. Giving them an extra 1,000 a month will be massive for those people and that money would go straight back into the economy.

I think like 40% of the country falls into that working poor barely surviving category btw.

It’s the bottom 60%

And I do think it’s a problem to spend all our energy focusing on something like UBI which is so much more of a pipe dream than UHC. Let’s get UHC first. Then free college. Then maybe we can look at UBI.

It’s mental masturbation at this point. And the only reason it gets traction with the Joe Rogan crowd is right-wing media (and their alt-light MSM cousins - like WaPo torpedoing Liz Warren) take it so unseriously they haven’t even bothered to turn the propaganda spigot on it yet. The second they turn their attention to UBI, it will be like opening up a fire hose full blast on a parade of toddlers.

Right, they’ll want to start putting in drug testing or work requirements for it.