Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Ah, using the Gore strategy that failed in the courts related to Florida in the 2000 election (worst strategy ever). If you want a re-canvass, re-canvass everything or you’re cherry picking and might not like the result.

This is absurd.

If you don’t think so, please name the 10 states Trump won’t win in this scenario.


If this were true there would have been some defectors from the Dems in the impeachment trial. The ones you’re talking about are closer to ‘Mitt Romney’ clones than Moscow Mitch clones. Some of the worst Dem senators on policy think Moscow Mitch is evil.

It’d look a lot like 84, minus the obvious states. Keep in mind this would almost certainly be a brokered convention scenario

No. The point is that they are partisans, not that they are Republicans.

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What are the obvious states? I’m asking for a list because once you list them out, it will be apparent that this is absurd.

No way I ever could have surmised that from your post, thanks for clarifying.

CA, NY, most of new england, wa, or. I have no idea why you think this is unlikely. A stolen nomination will decimate Dem turnout.

C’mon. Trump lost CA by 4 million votes. He WON the USA minus CA. He’ll never win CA.

Right, the states I listed are the ones that would stay blue.

Oh, yikes. Mebbe.

I think Trump beats Bloomberg almost for sure though and don’t want to quibble over the margin.

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I have no doubt about the last sentence.

My problem is your 40+ assertion.

In addition to what you listed, Trump is never winning HI/MD/NJ/IL.

I hope we don’t find out :+1:

You really really underestimate the power of money when someone’s trying to use it to bombard airwaves. He could literally contact every TV and radio station and say I will pay double your ad buy to run my ads right after any Trump ads that are run (and give them a list of what to play based on which ad it is). He could contact Fox News and say he would triple it, and they would take every single one of his ads. And if he did that for the entire run up to the election, it still would be like spending pennies for him.

He has never tried to wield his money in this way, and no one else in the country can wield their money this way outside of maybe 4 or 5 people. Those are people who do it at the bottom and not the top of the ticket to create the system they want.

His way he’s started out the race is one of the best arguments for overturning Citizens United. He scares the DNC because he can bypass their process and still potentially get the nomination if his strategy works (the DNC probably put him in the debate so that he would have to do one, which was not his strategy). He’s the real burn it down candidate if you’re looking for one.

Just figured out why Bernie said he is going to keep the filibuster. He wants to give the Dirty Ds corporate sellouts a chance to expose themselves then he is going to butnahhh, call for overturning the Filibuster and support primaries of the exposed Dirty Ds… genius!

If he wins pres. he’s just gonna say, ‘I’m not a Senator, it’s up to them, nothing I can do about it’. If he loses, he still is Senator. It’s a smooth strategy, the more I think about it.

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Lol wait I thought you were joking that Trump would win more than 40

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This is basically the map of what both sides will never lose at this point even in the biggest blowout scenario

Add in the very likely states and you’re left with the 11 States that will determine the 2020 election. Democrats have to find 48 more Electoral Votes.

Someone needs to put this in an ad.