Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Buttigieg’s healthcare policy is bad.

On surprisingly wonky grounds

In the first part of Buttigieg’s plan, he says he is going to automatically enroll the millions of uninsured people with incomes low enough to already be eligible for free insurance:

Upon reading this, you should wonder to yourself: how on earth is the bureaucracy going to be able to automatically determine, in real time, who the low income people are that are eligible for free insurance?

Remember, the people he is talking about here are not people who come into the welfare office and fill out forms recording their income information. These are the people who, despite being eligible, never come into the system at all. And so to automatically enroll them, you have to somehow find them. But how would you go about doing that?

When you follow Buttigieg’s citations, you wind up at a Third Way report…

When you keep going in the Third Way report that Buttigieg cites to, you eventually get linked to the Pathway to Universal Coverage Act of 2018, which is apparently supposed to be the way we administratively tackle this automatic enrollment challenge. The problem here is that the bill doesn’t actually provide any way of identifying eligible people for automatic enrollment. Instead it proposes granting money to states so that maybe they can innovate a way to do this.

Nobody has any idea how you could possibly identify people in real time who slip into eligibility but never go to the welfare office to fill out the forms. This is because it is not possible.


Bloomberg can’t win the nomination. It’s pure monetary masturbation, billionaire fantasy.

In other news, changed my affiliation from Ind to Dem in Florida. Probably change it back later, lol lets do this though!!


He could probably pay the DNC $10billion to cancel the primary and make him the nominee

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Damn closed primaries.

Completely offtopic, but I saw your name and a map of the US.

Are you the one that posted that absolutely bonkers map in SE of the states you have visited?

Good memory and yes. It’s gotten a little better since and will continue to expand further this year.

This is what it currently looks like. Will add California later this year. It’s the product of living most of my life in Wisconsin and the last few years in Iowa, and most of my vacations for a large part of my life having been road trips.

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Road trips are the ideal way to up your count. You hit most states just by driving across the country a couple times.

I really want to work through most of the rest of my missing states and just leave two islands of Alabama and West Virginia alone as states I haven’t visited.

I think I’ve at least driven through every state except for Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, the Dakotas, and Alaska.

Culturally, West Virginia deserves every bad thing that’s ever been said about it, but it’s absolutely gorgeous country and worth at least driving through imo.

I can’t think of anything nice to say about Alabama.


Bloomberg campaign is obviously buying himself on predictit hoping it makes the news cycle. free money to short that shit.

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I have no idea what kind of music that is.

It’s this


It’s hard to explain.

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Joe Biden’s “electability” argument absolutely obliterated by…Joe Biden:


History books will look warmly upon dementia related brutal honesty playing a part in the Bernie revolution.

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