Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

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Update from my age 60 white F mother in PA lifelong D voter is 1. Pete but also was inspired by the Klob in the last debate. She’s a retired school teacher so I brought up Bernie’s 60k/yr for all teachers proposal. She said well I’m retired so that doesn’t affect me. Lol boomers.


Apparently Bloomberg got 22% of the black vote in that poll (Biden - 27%, Bernie - 19%, Mayo Pete - 4%). How is that even possible?

Seems way off but Bloomberg is a very legitimate threat. Mayo Pete getting 4% might be the more suspicious number.


I guess his ad carpet bombs are paying off in places where no one else is advertising to date? As soon as anyone can talk about stop and frisk I don’t see how he maintains that level of support, though.


Bernie at 22% among whites, 19% among blacks, but 25% overall?

Is he getting like 90+% of the Asian demographic or something?

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My boomer dad is “warming to Bloomberg,” doesn’t think canceling everyone’s student loans is fair to the people who repaid as agreed, LOL BOOMERS

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Has to be Hispanic, they show ‘Hsp’ in other data sets except they don’t for the overall results.

edit - or maybe ‘chose not to identify, asian, or ‘other’’, none of which we have any data on for this poll

Biden - 27% black support and Bloomberg - 22% is troubling for Bernie (at 19%). If one drops out the other stands a great chance to sweep the south. We know Bloomberg isn’t going anywhere, so gotta hope Joe sticks around. At this point it’s probably better if Biden gets a decent finish in SC than getting blown out.

Edit: In the Jan 28th poll, the split for blacks was:

49% Biden, 7% Bloomberg, 0% Pete, 16% Sanders.

So essentially black voters seem to be swinging from Biden to Bloomberg, rather than Sanders or Pete.

Bernie would have to be absolutely obliterating those demographics to get to 25% overall though.

I wonder if they made a mistake.

Bloomberg at 22% for blacks seems really high.

On the last Quin poll bernie got 21% total and he was 18/17 white/black


Probably ponied but I missed this yesterday… :roll_eyes:


Every time I hear this argument, I think of the parable of the workers in the vineyard.

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Not only that, it’s a self-contradictory claim. How would it be personal opinion for the person checking the math, but not the first person to do the math? If math is a matter of opinion, then opinion was already injected into the process whether the math gets checked or not.

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lol @ our democracy that bloomer is at 3rd place after buying his way there and zero debate performances. :woman_facepalming:

Just want to restate that Schumer “Florida Man” thing is stupid as hell. The whole “elitist” thing with dems is that ~everyone who isn’t some rich professional or richer justifiably thinks that people like HRC and Schumer look down on them and think of social programs as charity for the pitiful. If Bernie wins it will be because less wealthy and educated people don’t think he looks down on them.


Seriously if Bloomberg wins this thing I might give up on USA#1 and do a world tour of poker cash games to decide on which country to settle down in. Laos? Slovenia? Aruba? Just have to get the hubby on board…


Trump would win 40+ states vs mini-mike, I don’t care what the polling is saying today