Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Bernie asked for a partial recanvass.


What’s that mean in English English?

They are seeking a recount at the several precincts, presumably ones where there are noted irregularities that the Iowa Democratic Party (IDP) has chosen for one reason or another to ignore.

Yesterday a lawyer for the IDP noted that the actual math at the precincts could not be changed because it would introduce ‘personal opinion’ into the process. In other words, if a volunteer at a precinct decided to write on their tally sheet that Mayor Pete got all the delegates, despite that not being the case, nothing will be changed. The only things they are going to look at are data entry errors made by the IDP (e.g. Sanders winning a precinct but the IDP recording the delegates as going to Deval Patrick)

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It’s just so perfect in an age of rampant science denial and conflation of facts and opinions that using fucking MATH is the equivalent of “personal opinion”

Remember that next time some centrist Dem tries to rant about Republicans denying science.

Both sides are not the same. The GOP is like 80% a bunch of Mitch McConnells and the Democrats are like 60%.


Also, here we go again.

Agreed, not trying to imply exact equivalence. Just noting that if Dems are going to preach it they should actually fucking practice it.

Problem is that the 80% McConnells actually know what they’re doing, and the 60% are hopeless.



Doesn’t matter any more. So few delegates to the convention. Only point was something to feed the media last week. That blew up in everybody’s face so now we’re on to the next few tiny primaries that only matter as a thing to hang a story on.


Bad news for Pete stans


If you add a few of these smaller primaries up don’t they amount to something? Or not?

Yes but Super Tuesday really dwarfs it. First four are mostly about momentum.

While these four states don’t bring lots of delegates, they matter immensely as early signals of candidate strength. Together they have 155 delegates, only 3.9 percent of the total pledged Democratic delegates

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It’s not winner take all so it’s a fight over a small part of a small part plus who says they won.

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This month, like 4% total.


Yeah, the main issue was ginning up the idiots in Iowa to get the campaign dollars flowing for the “real” primaries coming up. And if you were REALLY running poorly you could drop out to save being embarrassed.

Which is why I keep spinning this around in my head - we’ve NEVER seen a candidate just basically say - yeah, fuck Iowa/NH/Nevada - I have unlimited $$, I’m going to spend them and just force my way into the picture once the early crumbs have been swept away. And I’d argue that Bloomberg is playing this in a smart way - Pete “won” Iowa, Bernie should win NH, and especially if Biden can somehow win SC, it’s more picking out the tallest midget than building a winning narrative. I previously referenced that the Sanders campaign was (justifiably) bragging about his “massive” January fundraising. Bloomberg as of 2/20 has 61.5 BILLION to spend. We’re going to find out just how much ad time purchases are going to make a difference in a few weeks.



Inject that Buttigieg 10 straight into my veinssss


Damn. Get that man encased in lucite or some kind of protective bubble asap