Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

I must be dreaming.

Morning Joe is lavishing praise on Bernie and scoffing at the detractors who say he can’t beat tRUmp.


While I think Trump is genuine in his worry about Bernie and too stupid to be doing anything else, I feel like other right wingers are acting in bad faith hoping to seed division in the party. If Bernie even loses legitimately I expect them all to push conspiracy theories, and if they ratfuck Bernie they will be going nuclear. Probably full on investigation into the DNC. Maybe Trump will order that regardless lol.

That’d be a pretty fun consolation prize. DNC rat fucks Bernie and Trump throws half of them in jail. Dunno how I’d feel about that lol

by check

Wonder what Mittens’ campaign advisor thinks of Bernie hmm let’s see

That’s the Right’s version of “we’ll own him with Facts and Logic!” that worked so well for the Left against Trump. You don’t stop populists by appealing to people to engage their logical faculties. The people already made up their minds. It’s all rationalization from there on out.

LOL 49 states. In no universe would Sanders lose states like Massachusetts and California.

Anyone who thinks that is either trolling or completely detached from reality. In neither case should the person be given web space to print anything on the topic.




I’m sure the black owned businesses were just under federal investigation or something.


Amy Klobuchar must be so mad all the time (on top of what is apparently her baseline level of rage). Apart from Tulsi, she’s the only candidate who ticks the two key requirements:

  • Has previously held federal elected office
  • Not a member of the Silent Generation

And yet she has zero traction. It’s so absurd. How did fucking Joe Biden get to be the sensible candidate?

Also, perhaps this has been covered, but Predictit has Bloomberg at 22%?? What the fuck?

Tell me more about Pete having literally zero AA support because of name recognition and homophobia.


Fucking idiots


It’s the same in Iowa.

But Democratic candidates are finding that labor unions will endorse and donate to their GOP opponents and their campaigns because Republicans hold supermajorities in the state House and Senate, and Gov. Mike DeWine is also a Republican.

That means unions will need GOP support to get something done or to block “right to work” laws or prevailing wage restrictions.

“There’s a lot of pragmatism behind it,” said Scott DiMauro, president of the Ohio Education Association. “It’s not practical to only support one party.”

Yeah if there’s one thing you can count on it’s Republicans not fucking you over because you donated money to them.

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Damn, I genuinely don’t believe in any of the pete conspiracy crap and think he’s just playing shrewd, dirty politics - but the african american stats in his hometown are pretty fucking damning. Holy shit, that absolutely cannot be a coincidence. Watching him fumble around that question in the last debate was pretty damning too.

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Was that the one where he was asked about BLM and he gave the right wing trope reply of ALM?

Also, who won this fucking thing?

Maybe, but the one I remember was where the ABC moderator confronted him pretty hard about some of these statistics and he had a rare moment of kind of fumbling over his words and dodged the question entirely. Almost like he wasn’t prepped for it, which is mind boggling because he had to have been. It tells me that it struck a little close to home, IMO.

When he dodged the question, she kept after it, and he came up with some milquetoast unconvincing reply.

I think Steyer won the debate honestly and I really like him.

Ok. Who won the actual primary? Or are we past that being important now? I genuinely don’t know wtf is going on with it.

I think bernie won by 6k votes but pete got the most delegates? Idk, the iowa caucus thread has been hard to follow. It’s about healthcare now.

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