Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

I don’t think we’re on the same page with what each other is saying or the points trying to be made. But when you say I would happily dunk on Bernie for not compromising when he was right, that is a straight up fucking lie. You have zero examples of that because I wouldn’t do it.

The point I was making was more about the selective application of purity tests. When Liz Warren votes for USMCA, which knowledgable parties on the left say is an improvement over status quo, she is a neolib shill. When Bernie votes for the crime bill, it’s because he’s voting for only the good parts not the bad.

Btw, here is Bernie on his crime bill vote,

“No, I’m not happy I voted for a terrible bill,” the 2020 presidential hopeful said when asked by CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union” in an exclusive interview if he was glad he voted for the bill. But, he said, “I am happy I was honest with the people of my state.”

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I never said that and you were responding to my post. Is calling Biden the author of the 1994 bill a “purity test”? Is calling Bloomberg the “architect of stop and frisk” a “purity test” or are those legit shitty things that should be brought up?

The issue of laws being full of things to compromise on is complicated. Parts of the bill sucked and others didn’t. Bernie did what he thought at the time was best overall considering his position and made that clear. He’s also voted for lots of those omnibus or w/e funding bills that include lots of horrible shit, but have to be passed in order to keep the government running.

As far as the USMCA, aside from its problems (not including much environmental protection) it’s a small improvement over NAFTA (not a big change, but labor changes are improvements), but imo it’s a big victory for Trump right now and it will make a difference in 2020. And a small improvement makes any other, more dramatic, changes less likely any time soon.


Good faith is taking what is said in context. Here’s the context:

So, the general point here is that Biden sucks on this and should be thought badly of and I don’t think that “Bernie did it too” is something that’s a good response here.

That wasn’t my point. Don’t want to derail this thread any further. But let me be clear that I think Biden sucks, authoring the crime bill being part of that, and Bloomberg sucks with stop and frisk being a part of that. Bernie doesn’t suck, and his vote on crime bill is not a damning indictment or a reason to not vote for him.


Ok. Sorry.

Me too. :heart:

Bezos has 22 bathrooms and I want to seize 21 of them. He can stil poopoo if he needs to.


Here is Paul Giamatti at a Bernie rally:


It’s a lot of this,

but also some of this.

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Steyer flanking Bernie from the left now!


Now Bernie is the moderate centrist of compromise.


He’s going to launch a new hard seltzer flavored with Mike Bloomberg’s tears


According to Google his net worth is 1.6B

That’s 72,727,272 hours at 22/hr.

36,363 full time workers for a year.

Be the change you want to see Tom.

22 seems like a lot but who knows. IANAE.

I want $1000/hr

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Bernie should tweet this to lock up the win.


Bernie won Oklahoma in 2016 pretty easily. Was a reliably blue, populist state for decades before the cultural issues were used to radicalize the evangelicals. Similar to What's the Matter with Kansas? - Wikipedia

22 is for sure too high. Not in some places to be sure, and a bunch of you live in such places, but in a lot of places you’d really be talking about real job losses. Don’t @ me, I’m fine with a 15 dollar per hour national minimum, and am a pretty huge ubi supporter.

Honestly I feel like Ubi is a better way to get this problem handled. I feel like a lot of you would be against removing the minimum wage in exchange for say a 1500 dollar per adult monthly ubi, and I think that’s correct.

I feel like the minimum wage is actually a pretty shitty old solution to the problem of poverty whose time may secretly be passed TBH.

LOL dudes, let’s not get on this bent were we confuse socialism in the economic sense with socialism in the political one. Being an economic socialist is an absolute reality of the world. It is literally impossible to devise an economic system that is not socialist. Political socialism is a totally different thing and wholly an abstract construction. For example in contrast, one could define America as a democracy in a political sense, but this shitshow is obviously not a democracy so you would be slandering the concept.

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