Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?


Look at the way he did “BLACK” with the font and background. This guy gets it.

Did anyone mention the DNC hired a former Pete organizer to be the Nevada voting protection something or other?

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i saw this yesterday and didn’t post it because i thought it was a photoshop/meme. Thats a real shirt?

Yep its for sale right now on his website lmao

And another Democratic contender is the architect of stop and frisk.

And another is the original author of the 1994 Crime Bill.

And another one voted for it.

True, but said in bad faith.

What’s bad faith about it?


Oh, such fallible infallibility!

It’s that you would happily use it as an example of Bernie being uncompromising if he voted against it. He voted for it, after lobbying against the mass incarceration, because he got an amendment which he wanted which was the inclusion of the violence against women act. It’s not at all the same thing as Biden writing the bill and you very well know that - hence bad faith.


I know that. The vote matters more than the words. When you vote for something that you say is flawed, you are implicitly saying the good outweighs the bad. Saying the 1994 crime bill was terrible means Bernie made a bad vote.

That’s complete bullshit. When have I ever done that? You’re talking about my bad faith? Fuck you.

I assume it’s tailored to me, but it pisses me off that one of the two recommended videos that YouTube puts up after watching the embedded video is “Are Trump’s Economic Policies Helping African Americans?” by FoxNews. Thanks, YouTube.

No it doesn’t. It’s not Bernie’s fault that people who were right had and have very little power. It’s not his fault that compromise is the only way to get a tiny part of what he wanted done. You get the chance to help put one of these people in a position where a tiny contribution that helps an amendment become part of a huge bill is not the best that they can do. You get to try to put the person who compromised and helped get an important addition into the bill or the person who authored it that power. There’s a big difference and it’s obvious and your post was in bad faith because all of this is patently obvious.


im so freaking tired of this shit.


Now you’re suggesting that I’m posting in bad faith. I take that as you not understanding what bad faith means. My posting in bad faith would be saying you don’t support the Violence Against Women act. I assume you do support it.

I am either to think that you think the Violence Against Women Act was not something that Bernie should have supported when his contribution at best could help include that and he couldn’t stop the crime bill - or I am to think that you were using this as some sort of shot at Bernie because “lol, he voted for it too”. I’m not insulting you by thinking the latter.

I’m assuming the thought here is that Pete’s campaign had her resign so she could go fix the election for Pete in Nevada?