Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

No, communism, socialism, democratic socialism and social democracy are all on the state control part of the spectrum but vary by degree.

I pretty much agree with that, but like Obama and HRC are way less bad than McConnell because they are at least above a minimal standard of decency that the GOP is not.

I did not call him far left.

Anyway, this whole debate seems to stem from a need to declare the position one supports to be the center. As if being the center is a virtue, the reasonable position, a compromise that took in all the pros&cons of the left and the right.
I don’t see it that way. Universal healthcare is a left position and it is superior to the centrist position. This won’t change no matter where the Overton window will be or how widespread UHC will become.


Wouldn’t a mixed economy occupy the center between socialism and capitalism? So, something like social democracy?

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Clearly a Bernie Bro undercover in the Pete campaign, for shame.

If you want to see the case for Pete being a opportunistic fraud laid out in great detail I found this article pretty informative.

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I hadn’t seen this

Fuck Pete


I can’t believe you guys managed to No True Leftist Bernie.

This is it. Big globally important cities are super expensive.

Sure, social democracy is usually considered left of center. If I’d have to guess it’s because in a social democracy the government still has a fair amount of control. Depending on how far you want to stretch the center to the left and the right a case can be made it is close enough to the center to be part of it. We probably have to dive deep into political science to get “an accurate measurement”.

One of the points I tried to make was that the center is not defined by what the mean, average or majority voter supports.

Glenn Greenwald, Twitter shitposter

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:+1: Yip… London is 10x my prices for rent alone.

There are cites for all that stuff in the article so I assume it’s accurate. I already didn’t like Pete much but after reading through all that he is a legit scumbag. I knew about a lot of that but certainly not all of it.

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The government has considerably more than ‘a fair amount of control’ in a totalitarian Fascist state or an absolute hereditary monarchy. This single-axis ‘amount of state control’ metric for determining right vs. left is some internet libertarian BS. You’re on the verge of telling us fascism is left-wing.

Social democracy, if rightly so called, is considered left-wing because it comprises a basket of policies aligned with left-wing views. There’s no single metric that will allow you to determine that from your armchair. You have to look at the policies, their rationale, their application and their effect. Shit’s complicated.

Come on.

That’s why I said:

I know ~nothing about political science as a discipline but I highly doubt determining whether social democracy is left-wing constitutes ‘diving deep’ into it.

This is in no way defending PI as accurate or efficient but one can be the favorite but still only be 30 percent to win given the size of the field. So if he was favored in 10 states with an average 40 percent chance of winning (states like AR), he could still lose 6 of 10 of those and it would have been fairly accurate. The problem with some of these nationwide maps is they sometimes give the impression that a slight favorite will capture victories in each when that’s not likely nor what the underlying data projects.

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