Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Goofyballer is in the SF area about 400mi north of LA. Both areas are crazy though.

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Progressive taxation is pretty dead center.

Obviously I can’t give my location but there building houses atm right next to me and they’ll all be +£100, 000/£200,000 which is expensive for this area and no-one would buy here today :rofl: Once the new development is in I expect them to flyof the shelves… :thinking: Unless this Brexit really wrecks us. (come to think about it 500mil was provided by the EU.) :wink: For this redevelopment.

I do think his messaging was torpedoed by the ravenous Clinton Machine. That he isn’t facing this time.

I just showed my Dad, one of the last dominoes in my family/friends to not come home to Bernie fully, the predictIt map showing Bernie is favored to win 47/50 dem nomination races when he told me he still isn’t sure Bernie can win. That shocked him. Bernie has traction like never before to get his ideas out. Democratic Socialist and Socialism have less of a stigma every day as well.

Bernie couldn’t deploy AOC in 2016 to sell his ideas just as one difference.

I agree that politics has more than one dimension.

Capitalism and socialism are not the same. The difference is how much control the government exerts over the market and how much wealth it redistributes.

Yet by international or historical standards, it can be hard to detect the traditional hallmarks of socialism in the increasingly popular, and populist, rallies of Comrade Sanders.

His proposals for Canadian-style universal healthcare and subsidised higher education, though bold by US standards, would once not have looked out of place in the manifesto of the British Conservative party – never mind those of resurgent European leftists like Syriza of Greece or Podemos of Spain.

Similar promises to tackle the power of investment banks and restore the earnings potential of the middle class are made not just by European social democrats but other Washington politicians too, such as Elizabeth Warren.

And while calls for progressive tax rises and modest hikes in social security and the minimum wage might echo the early French socialists who first wrote “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need”, they are a far cry from the policies of the Marxists who later used that slogan to justify nationalising the commanding heights of industry.

He’s more a populist than a true socialist.


Agreed. I condider using progressive taxation to provide universal healthcare to be a left policy based on the left principle: the needs of the many outweigh the need of the few. The government does not have to be involved in healthcare though and could leave that up to the individual or the free market.

is the (political) right principle really “the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many”?

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What’s the dead center health care policy?

It does if it defines healthcare as a human right.

It’s like saying civil rights is possible without government intervention, we should leave it up to the individual or free market to provide equality for everyone.

I think it’s closer to “the self-determination/freedom of the individual outweighs the needs of the many”.

Health care for some, apparently.

I agree. Freedom is a funny thing for the disempowered.

Socialized medicine, like public education, the police and library are socialist institutions. Nixon fixed prices - also a socialist practice. You can’t list all of someone’s socialist policies, ignore the fact that they are no different than existing policies (much of the health care system is already socialized) other than by degree and ignore that Bernie barely wants to touch the market economy outside of that and call Bernie far left on some absolute scale.


I’m not really minimizing that, I’m just saying like it puts him into the category with HRC, Obama, etc, not the category with Trump and McConnell.

This is one of those things where a Euro who is innately somewhat conservative doesn’t understand how far left he really is compared to the US center-left. Germany’s corporate laws would be shot down as a thousand times more pinko-commie than M4A in the US.

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Trump is in his own category and I think obviously more likely to be a stooge because he’s so dumb, short sighted and cares literally only about himself.

I think the Deomcratic party is full of people exactly like McConnell. Insincere people playing politics who are primarily concerned with elections and donors.


So you’re calling communism state control and socialism redistribution then?

Now look Fat, I mean get your words straight Jack, when you’re gonna go in there and say to those people that look I mean here’s where we’re - listen man, if you don’t try and even get it over, then where’s that gonna happen?