Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

The answer is easier if you think of far left things he doesn’t support and there are a lot of them.

You don’t have to hold far left positions to be on the left.

Just about every “left” position he holds is supported by majorities of the population. It’s really just Overton Window semantics.

What’s so different about Bernie’s plan than what the world in general has atm?
Imo… Nothing

What a left leaning healthcare system would look like is simple, no profits for people and the spare change goes into research THAT Government would also give due to fair taxation.

You’re falling for the labels.

So because Nazis in Germany were called National Socialist Workers Party means they were far left just because the word socialist was in the name?

What? How the hell did you get that from what I said?


A fair wage, minimum wages is a centrist position… His positions on a socialist policys for things that people need and capitalists for wants are centrist positions imo.

Then let me rephrase that:

I think that was unfair tbh… I don’t play those games.

I guess a plan to Bernie’s left would involve government officials literally confiscating the wealthy’s houses and kicking them into public housing to finance M4A.

It seems silly to discuss healthcare plans as perfectly linear politically when what is to “the left” of Bernie isn’t plausible and what’s to his “right” isn’t good enough.

Not kicking them out, but certainly taking them back to stop the outright abuse of rent increases and unstainable rises in house prices.

This is my main left agenda… I’d make the lot of them give it all to the homeless and poors for a start. For a fair Market Value Ofcourse :rofl:

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He doesn’t advocate seizing the means or all of the markets.

His policy positions would put him just left of center in any other country whose Overton Window wasn’t skewed so far right


To be clear, even this fantasy is preferable to the status quo.

I’m honestly dumbfounded by LA prices alone… @goofyballer when he was looking for places gave me nightmares…

My house atm is under £300 per month rent. Private rent for the same house is around £500 per month.

If median wages were keeping pace that’s one thing. The guillotine should have been unfurled years ago.

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Your definition of the (economic) center seems to be influenced by where you want it to be and by the Overton window anachronistic mentioned.
I see the center in the middle ground between communism/socialism on the left and laissez-faire capitalism on the right. Universal healthcare paid for by progressive taxation as a redistribution of wealth falls on the left of that spectrum. This fact doesn’t change if a high or low number of countries adopt this policy. At its core it’s socialist aka left.

I think most are in agreement with this. They’re just referring to some of Bernie’s positions other than healthcare which are essentially capitalist, putting him near center on average (not saying I agree, just trying to summarize what I understand the argument to be)

I respect all your posts brother, and tbh your right :+1: Thanks as my head is spinning lately, you’re the common sence dude I rely on :love_you_gesture: And your reasoning sounds right.

I’m new to politics and that’s why I say this… :v:


What defines capitalism/socialism in this context and why are they the same?

I think its maybe more valuable to look at a spectrum of democratic to authoritarian control of the economy. Ussr wasn’t any more left in this respect than the US. If state control comes with democratic control of the state that’s another story.