Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?



I can’t grasp the mindset that some russian teens posting false facebook memes at magagranny69 and hacking clintons emails is a mega threat to all democracy that requires a year long investigation by FBI darling bob mueller (btw great work saving democracy there bob a+ job) but a russian billionaire giving money TO EVERY SINGLE POWERFUL PERSON in the american government? How is that a red flag?



I’m pretty sure they’re just trying to find fancy words for ‘spreadsheet’

Yeah that was really good. Basically hits on many points that have been hit apon here but with more research and better examples.

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Warren has a pretty good ground effort in NH. Still the only campaign to come to my door - 3 times now. Based on the polls though it’s not helping all that much.

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Warren has no lane–she’s probably finishing 5th in a state where she should be 1st or 2nd.

Who needs a 3rd-grade education when there’s an app for that?

The irony of technocrats


Cuse is right and the mania around Russia is ridiculous and dangerous, but he’s minimizing how bad it reflects on Pete that guys like that are ok with Pete and expect to get on the campaigns radar as they say (watch the 6ix video) with donations.


Today, our centrist candidates, like Bernie Sanders, have been labeled and sidelined by the mainstream media as “radical,” “fringe,” and “extreme.” Should we trust this characterization given that the mainstream media is largely owned by giant corporations, whose key motives are protecting their own profits?

Truth… Bernie is a centrist. :+1:

But the Democratic Party has moved consistently and unrelentingly to the corporate right. In its alliance with the corporate, neoliberal ruling-class, the Democratic Party is now hardly distinguishable from the Republican Party in its level of corporate corruption. It’s no wonder voter turnout rates in this country have been so pathetically low.

:point_up_2: So has the American people and they don’t even know it. Yup that’s the ones that don’t blink an eye for a human being’s being killed by there $.

Thankfully, the US public is getting harder and harder to fool. Like millions of other Sanders supporters, I was awake during the 2016 presidential primaries. And I was enraged when the news came out that the DNC had colluded with various mainstream media outlets to smear and destroy the Sanders campaign. We watched… as the AP and these same mainstream media outlets, not the state of California, called the results of the Democratic Primary for HRC before California even finished counting its votes. We watched… as super-delegates cast their votes for Clinton in states like Colorado, after Sanders won the caucus by a wide margin. We watched… in disgust as Sanders delegates were sidelined at the Democratic Convention. We now understand the role the DNC has played in subverting democracy and pledging allegiance to the corporate elite.


But today, the stakes are even higher. The American people are suffering under oppressive levels of poverty and lack of access to basic human rights. The climate crisis is on the brink of global catastrophe. People will live or die as a result of US presidential policy. Whatever progressive policies or candidates become weakened as a result of DNC manipulation, the blood is on your hands.

I respectfully encourage the DNC to abandon its corporate allegiance, re-configure its membership and shift into alignment with the will of the people. Abandon your corporate donors and get behind the rising tide of small “d” democracy in this country. Otherwise, the Democratic Party will forfeit any last shreds of its legitimacy.


Erin McCarley

Denver, Colorado

Maybe Americans were so predisposed to regime change that they didn’t see it when it happened to their country.


Bernie is not a centrist on any political spectrum I am familiar with.

I believe he holds more centrist positions than left positions…

For starters, he self-identifies as a democratic socialist which puts him on the left. Do you think he is wrong?
What positions does he hold that puts him more accurately into the center than the left?


I don’t follow. Why is his position on healthcare centrist instead of left? If he is a centrist on healthcare what does a left position look like?

Leftist healthcare wants to kill anyone who is old and sick. Duh.